Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mos Wanted Crew - Week 8 - I'm Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO Challenge

oh my lord what did i just watch

this is too much of an eye candy :'D
5:29 huehuehuehuehue cute as

Monday, May 28, 2012

omg lol just found a photo from the semi 
where no one looks spectacularly derp, from afar...

still remember that night,
fitting a piece of sushi in my mouth and walking around chewing like a retard.
yeahyeah sushi in one bite.

but also remembering not to eat too much because the stomach will expand and it will be awkward LOL

Sunday, May 27, 2012

bring it on 2012

happy to say that I have the best-est bio fambam ever.
these kids are the funniest, randomest ducklings I've ever came across.
Although we shout and yell at them heaps, but we love them heaps and want them to do the best they can on the night.

After Heat 1, eating some donuts and in taking some sport drinks. Big thanks to oliver's parents for bringing in them :'D was soo hungry afterwards.

one of those rare camwhore times with ducklings. oh wow gee they were so hyped

cute as qasmt bio fambam <3
^my desktop background from now on, replaced the wolf background :L

qasmt bio fambam + mentors
chyeah crazy peace signs errwhere LOL

you could be thinking that i'm all relieved now that the heats are now over

but noooope,
mando speaking competition the next day.
Awesome. My voice was so sore, husky and shit.
came second in background division, again LOL
fml forever second.

congrats to Eileen for her singing and cute speech :D perfect pitch.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Da Capo

finally seeing the video :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
too many gifs on tumblr from this

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

risky but there goes a secret


bring it on comp in 2 days.
holey ajgkewlajlkabjwelkajkzsldtkjewamtlewabeajbeipawejoptakewblskdjgalkwjywa

we're just going to have fun on stage, and yeah!
forget about work and exam block for 5 minutes and just dance out.
can't wait, it's going to be soo fun :)

the family is getting tight, we're really having so much fun now! i'll really miss the fambam heaps and i hope that next year we'll still be dancing together, off the stage. this feeling of accomplishment after today's session was magical :L

now let's get rock and rolling!
2 days left.
we compete to for the bring it on experience, not for the cash and money.

cas? maybe.

Youtube Apocalypse

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jason Rillera - Buzzin Feat. The Company

why arnt there any convenient dance studios around where i live :'|
need to learn these amazing choreographs.
sometime in the future, I want to fly to america Texas, Houston  and turn up at those awesome studios and meet more talented people, yeah, just dance all day errday. :'D

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

woke up from nap,
knocked a cup fulled with water,
nearly stepped on the laptop screen ( was on the ground..)
and continued the nap on the floor.

what the cereal fck.

last 5minutes of physics.
i swear its near impossible for me to adapt to mr b's teaching style.
TOO CHILL Q________Q

time to cram for a maths assignment 
shi te, assessments are piling up and i feel i could to sleep on and on and on and on. fml

Monday, May 14, 2012

english music catagory master

waiting for my best answer streak to happen :'D
but i have a feeling that the second one from the top wont get the best answer..


why are old songs so much better than the recent ones ;_______;

excuse me, did anyone find 'love'?
there are some 'one night stands' in the rubbish bin over there, do you want it?

when he says,
miss, you lost your 'smile'
and have you found it?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

legit haven't done any decent studying for the past 2 weeks.


surprised how easy it was to get along with a complete stranger....
by mouthing the lyrics to chris brown's 'strip' at each other.

thass ryyyte LOL
i'm going to miss these sat mornings :c even though it was really difficult to wake up early in the morning on a weekend. but then i got to know that there are so many people out there that have dreams that appear to be the simplest thing to achieve in some of our lives. We do take things for granted.
okay im stoppiing here,
cant be bothered anymore..time to game :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Call Me Maybe parody - Aussie blokes version

Hey i'll take me top off
you can look at my ink
you can catch me lining up
at your local centrelink.


Monday, May 7, 2012


this is like awesomeness!
yesterday, i just came across to know the very first person who bitched about me (that i know of LEWL).

i mean, i'm also a hater too.
everyone is a hater.

continuing on :L
some people hate for the awkwardest reasons and in the end, they're just revealing their stupidity and flaws. 
When i heard about that kid talking shit about me..
for a while, i did feel sad
but then i thought, 'gurrrl you get your thinking caps on, cause i can make your life living hell.
that's not how i roll.

i'll just let the others do that, 
there's not just one hater,
there are many, and they've always hated the hater.

so i'm just going to sit aside, and grab out some popcorn..
LOL JK, spread the love_

tbh, when i first heard about their hating, i laughed because it was pretty stupid..why cant the hater get her head around or think about what it feels like to be in my position. 
conceited hater. 
you made my day :)

this post was not made with intentions of hating the hater, it was to share this story about what happened yesterday. aside from this thing, errbody had some fun spending time together. btw, i did confront the hater within 5 seconds hearing about it, so i'm not those people that sit behind their computer and type a long ass post bitching back at them. I DO BOTH ;D huehuehuehue..wait..was that post really 'bitching'? :\

Thursday, May 3, 2012

it's amazing.....
how long has it been? and i'm still holding onto those stupid things..
why can't i just let it be?
only if i had been more tolerant and understanding....fml

i hate this feeling