Monday, May 7, 2012


this is like awesomeness!
yesterday, i just came across to know the very first person who bitched about me (that i know of LEWL).

i mean, i'm also a hater too.
everyone is a hater.

continuing on :L
some people hate for the awkwardest reasons and in the end, they're just revealing their stupidity and flaws. 
When i heard about that kid talking shit about me..
for a while, i did feel sad
but then i thought, 'gurrrl you get your thinking caps on, cause i can make your life living hell.
that's not how i roll.

i'll just let the others do that, 
there's not just one hater,
there are many, and they've always hated the hater.

so i'm just going to sit aside, and grab out some popcorn..
LOL JK, spread the love_

tbh, when i first heard about their hating, i laughed because it was pretty stupid..why cant the hater get her head around or think about what it feels like to be in my position. 
conceited hater. 
you made my day :)

this post was not made with intentions of hating the hater, it was to share this story about what happened yesterday. aside from this thing, errbody had some fun spending time together. btw, i did confront the hater within 5 seconds hearing about it, so i'm not those people that sit behind their computer and type a long ass post bitching back at them. I DO BOTH ;D huehuehuehue..wait..was that post really 'bitching'? :\