Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Year in Review

Welcome to my 2017 Year in Review!

This is probably the first time I've sat down and properly done a year in review. Please excuse my awkward writing and grammar. It's been a while since I've blogged or written anything non academic ' -')/ 50 questions guiding my 2017 year in review let's go!

My 2017

1. What one event, big or small, are you going to tell your grandchildren about?
Wow I'm already stuck on the first question AHHA I would tell my grandchildren about the time when I sat in a Melbourne hostel on the night of MCP election. I was Dumbfounded. Replaying everything that happened on the election day in my mind. Even though I've already rehearsed all the possible outcomes and prepared myself for the emotions that could possibly follow the announcement.

I still didn't manage to figure out how I'm going to break this news to my mother, who spent her time and money into supporting me to apply for a 1 year Japanese Language Program next year. I went around asking tutors to write a recommendation for me, I wrote my lengthy application, we sent our application that costed over $60 to mail express to the university. After all of that, I was offered into the program starting April 2018. The deadline to accept the offer was on the same night as the MCP election. Japan was my back up plan.

To be honest, I was afraid to tell my mom the truth. The truth that I've already put my heart and head into becoming MCP for AIESEC in Australia 1819. I sat there on the bunk bed, gathered myself and messaged my mom. To my surprise, she was fine with it and we wrapped up the conversation with her saying "as long as you are happy".

That hit me really hard.
This is the second time that I've given my parents a "pleasant surprise" yet every single time, they resist but eventually come to accept my decision - whether or not they personally agree with it or not. Love, is so mighty. Isn't it?

2. If you had to describe your 2017 in 3 words, what would they be?
Challenge. Courage. Explore.

3. What new things did you discover about yourself?
I think a lot of this year was more confirming the speculations I had.

4. What single achievement are you most proud of?
raising funds for ANU :)

5. What was the best news you received?
You are now confirmed to graduate at the end of 2017.

6. What was your favourite place that you visited in 2017?
Budapest. It was a beautiful city!

7. Which of your personal qualities turned out to be the most helpful this year?
To never give up. Even when times are tough and I can't seem to understand myself, the challenges and the people around me. I never gave up. I tried to find a way forward. I bought tickets to India to attend APC. I believed when it's easy to not believe. To never give up after being rejected multiple times.

8. Who was your number 1 go to person that you could always rely on?
Wallace. He wasn't just there to listen to me rant, but was there to give me a fresh perspective that I didn't have. He stopped me spiralling into a pessimistic, self deprecating potato.

9. Which new skills did you learn?
Calling alumni on behalf of the university LOL It was actually pretty challenging for me personally. I learned how to better manage myself better. I've learned how to present/facilitate better. I've learned how to teach people better. I've learned how to pack for travels better (super compact packing with travel cubes hehe).

10. What, or who, are you most thankful for?
Wallace. My health.

11. If someone wrote a book about your life in 2017, what kind of genre would it be? A comedy, love story, drama, film noir or something else?
Drama. An up and down year.

12. What was the most important lesson you learnt in 2017?
Importance of self care. Learning to fill my cup to pour into others.

Hands down. This quote encapsulates the most important lesson I've learned this year. I can't impact anyone or grow anyone if I am not at where I need to be. I learned that books are food for the mind. And if my mind is empty and just a machine that runs the default program installed, then I will never be able to bring any new or improved ideas and solutions. I must first fill my own cup and KEEP filling my own cup so that I can make a positive impact.

13. Which mental blocks did you overcome?
Whether or not I am the right person for the job.

If I am selected to be the person for the job, then it doesn't matter about whether I think I am the right person for the job. It's now about how fast I can reach beyond the break even point so that I can be the best person for the job. The race begins. No time for self doubt. Let's get goinggggg!

14. What 5 people did you most enjoy spending time with?
EB Shiitake (Isaac, MP, Denise, Sam) + Wallace hehe

15. What was your biggest break-through moment career-wise?
AIESEC career-wise, definitely having the nerves and guts to run for MCP, regardless of the outcome.

16. How did your relationship with your family evolve?
Generally closer than previous years. I was a pretty obedient kid throughout my teenage years and this year was the first time that I've raised my temper at them. It's all good now! :) We've become more understanding and open to each other

17. What book or movie affected your life in a profound way?
Thrive by Arianna Huffington.
Thanks Helen for the book!

18. What was your favourite compliment that you received this year?
"Your eyes sparkle when you present"

I ran my first ever AIESEC session in March 2016. I had no clue what I was saying, I was stumbling over every word, I was shaking and panicking. That was one of the most embarrassing time of my time in uni. I was horrid at public speaking and EVERYONE knew. I was kindly shoved to the side when we were deciding facilitators for our LC conference in semester 1 2016. Regardless, I still kept trying. I applied for Statecon semester 2 faci in 2016. Kept practising, getting feedback, improve, try again and repeat. To have all of the effort to try and eliminate the barriers stopping me from being able to communicate to crowds...slowly go away. This is why this is my favourite compliment of 2017 <3

19. What little things did you most enjoy during your day to day life?
I enjoyed being able to wake up every day and able to go about my day without difficulties. I can walk. I can breathe. I can eat. I can yeah poop. I can learn. I can see. I can read. Yeah you get it. :)

20. What cool things did you create this year?
' v')~

21. What was your most common mental state this year?

22. Was there anything you did for the very first time in your life this year?
I went to India for the first time.
I went to Europe for the first time.
I saw snow for the first time (more of December 2016 hahaha)
I skied for the first time (jk i just moved on flat surface too scared for hills)

23. What was your favourite moment spent with your friends?
Sydney Pre JulyCon with the shiitake crew!

24. What major goal did you lay the foundations for?
' v')~

25. Which worries turned out to be completely unnecessary? 
can I grad or not?

26. What experience would you love to do all over again?
LCP. It's good to be a LCP.

27. What was the best gift you received?

28. How did your overall outlook on life evolve?
I use to just take things day by day, one step at a time. In 2017, I learned to look ahead and plan the next 2 steps to get there. I still want to live a life of significant purpose. I can't do that if I don't take control of the wheels and actively follow a plan that will get me to where I want to be at the end of my life.

29. What was the biggest problem you solved?
' v')~

30. What was the funniest moment of your year, one that still makes it hard not to burst out laughing when you think about it?
Oh dear I have really bad memory. Too many good mems

31. What purchase turned out to be the best decision ever? 
Plane ticket + rego to APC.

32. What one thing would you do differently and why?
To go on exchange before 2017 so that I can spend Jan and Feb 2017 with my EB to prepare for winter peak.

33. What do you deserve a pat on the back for?
' v')~

34. What activities made you lose track of time?

35. What did you think about more than anything else?
What am I going to do after I graduate?

36. What topics did you most enjoy learning about?
Communication in business MGMT2100 HAHHHAHAH
Legit so useful and applicable.

37. What new habits did you cultivate?
Drinking water everyday.

38. What advice would you give your early 2017 self if you could?
Don't waste your health stressing over things.

39. Did any parts of your self or your life do a complete 180 this year?
INCREASED A LOT. Can't believe how I use to spend $400 in 5 weeks.

40. What or who had the biggest positive impact on your life this year?
Other than Wallace... I'd have to say Helen, ANU's LC coach for the first half of the year.
She challenged me, she made me think, she inspired me, she believed in me and she helped me build myself into who I wanted and needed to be for AIESEC in ANU and ..for myself. I can't put into words how grateful I am for her help. I actually couldn't help crying at NewCon when Helen's video was playing on the projector. It was such an overwhelming moment for me because she made a huge impact in my life and I owe a lot of my personal progress and professional progress to her.

My 2018

1. What do you want the overarching theme for your 2018 to be?

2. What do you want to see, discover, explore?
The world.
Specifically Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

3. Who do you want to spend more time with in 2018?
' v')~

4. What skills do you want to learn, improve or master?
- how to manage personal finance

Japanese Language
- Speaking slower
- reading more books
- healthy eating habits
- cooking

- Chinese Language
- time management
- positive thinking
- teaching/facilitation
- discipline
- public speaking

5. Which personal quality do you want to develop or strengthen?

6. What do you want your everyday life to be like?
Where I can balance between work and life.

7. Which habits do you want to change, cultivate or get rid of?

- daily blogging
- calling family every week
- top notch tracking habit

get rid of
- bad posture
- hitting snooze button
- sleeping past 12

8. What do you want to achieve career wise?
let as many people know that it's cool to give a shit and that they have the power to be the change they want to see in the world.

9. How do you want to remember the year 2018 when you look back on it 10/20/50 years from now?
A year where learnings can bear fruit.

10. What is your number one goal for 2018?
Improve my mental and physical health.

And...that's it!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Summer'1516 EP1: Brisbane & Taiwan Taoyuan

Finally got around to cleaning my photos and getting onto finish this 1 year late blog post.
Half of this post was probably written around a year ago and my writing style probably changed a bit....please bear with me x.


Hulllooo it's me again 
Are you all proud of me for blogging more frequently? :D
I've cleared out so many GB of space on my phone just by transferring them out for blogging purposes so this definitely benefited me more than anyone else. Now I can take more photos yess! (I had no space on my phone that's why I haven't been taking many photos)

Let's get intooo it!

First stop from Canberra was [Brisbane].
I had a few days in Brisbane with my family and friends before I left for my 2 month of crazy travels. I decided to bring my Polaroid back with me since it's cute and all that but tbh I barely took any photos and it was way too heavy for me to carry around. Ended up leaving them in Taiwan because I couldn't fit it in my luggage or bag LMAO

I love Brisbane sooo much! For the food, the people and just the sheer fact that life is so much easier there. More vibrant and creative...and..not FREEZING. I thought Brisbane winters were cold but after moving to Canberra for uni..I realized that the cold back then was nothing. 

We had food gatherings with dad's friends at this really nice area but it's quite pricey for the portion they serve. 

Korean food at Midam with relatives from NZ! 
They have a twin and they're both super cute and respectful. I think they're still in primary school but they'd cook the meet for their parents. ADORBS <3 They'll do all the runs to the station to get more food as well. #childgoals. 

Annnnd YumCha as usual. 
It's a must whenever I go back! They have realllllly nice food urrgh this is making me miss Brisbane so much I'm craving all these foods. 

And of course, our home cooked meals <3
My dad and I have similar taste in food so I'm happy every day, every meal LOL

Aunty's coffee 
DELICIOUS. Best coffee around! 
Even better than all the ones I've ever had.

Home noodles dabes.
Diet portion!

Sometimes we'll switch it up and cook some crabs.
(like every 2 days when I'm back)
I cooked this time ;)
But I didn't prepare the crabs myself because I don't have the strength to crack the shells with a knife.... BUT IT'S OK I SPENT LIKE 20MINS COOKING THE EGGS HAHAH my arms were so sore after.

I spent a day sorting out my flights and double checking whether would connect properly.
  • Gold Coast -> Singapore -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> ShangHai -> Japan Haneda
  • Japan Haneda -> ShangHai -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> ChiangMai Thailand
  • ChiangMai Thailand -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> Singapore -> Brisbane
  • Brisbane -> Sydney -> Sydney (bus) 

All these trips
so much planning
And I also bought round trips so there's 3 international round trips
as for domestic ones, I bought one ways cause I went to gc for one and bris for another.
I think I forgot to change one of the flights so I freaked out and made last minute changes.
So folks, if you're going to do crazy things like me then please double check your flights unless if you have someone to do that for you. You wouldn't want to turn up at the airport then to find out we're stuck there.

Hung out around Southbank with Vic to sort out Japan trip~
Disregard what I said in the post about 

After lunch, we visited the state library to finish off some final planning.

Last meal in Australia before flying off to Taiwan!

First meal in Taiwan with mum's side of the family!
Couldn't really remember much of this meal but it was great to catch up with everyone.
Literally all I do in Taiwan is eat so here are some photos of the food I've consumed HAHAHA

When mum is hype on karaoke/10

I actually don't know or recall what really happened SORRY (to my future self).


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Summer'1516 EP3: Japan Trip 2015

Helllooo it's me!

I'm back again for the annual post JK I will try to blog more from now on. There are so many nice photos that are just sitting in my phone/tablet. Plus, it is nice to look back on the previous posts and see how much my life has changed.

Last summer break was the most eventful ride of my life. Okay, it wasn't... but travel-wise, it was super intensive and packed. I made sure that my summer wouldn't go to waste just like that (yeah, just like my summer break after first year uni). My family encouraged me to register for OCAC Tour in Taiwan during December. I also applied for a 4 week intensive language summer course in Chiang Mai. In between these two original plans, I managed to slot in a trip to Tokyo with Victoria (thank you gurl for inviting me). xoxo. 

I made it back to ANU the day before uni began and needless to say - every single day was planned, no joke. I'm pretty proud of myself for not screwing up somewhere in between HAHAAHA but it was so stressful planning for everything, making sure that flights connect, dates worked out and time was made worth. A lot of savings were spent but it was worth every cent of it.

The original plan was to post in a chronological order:
  1.  OCAC Tour [Taiwan] 
  2. Japan Trip [Tokyo]
  3. Summer Exchange [Chiang Mai, Thailand]
  4. Fam visits [Taiwan]
But I still haven't sorted my OCAC photos yet so it's really messy and everything. I'll get around to that one later on. I plan to do it in this order: 2-3-4-1 .... but yeah please excuse my poor writing skills. I'm just typing what's coming from my mind and normally it doesn't come out right.


Like I was saying, planning is a pain. I don't understand how some people enjoy planning...I just want to go out there and do things! Then again, I don't want to miss out on seeing some important places. For those who are interested in looking at our full Tokyo Schedule (including schedule time, POI/places, budget, transport & bookings) you can ask me on FB and I'll share it with you! Victoria and I worked on it online for a bit then spent a day at SLQ finalising everything. 

So we thought it was finalised. JOKES. While I stayed over at mom's in Taiwan for a few days before OCAC, I told mom and Jin about our Japan plans. Jin offered to help us out since he's Japanese himself and know his way around Tokyo. SO YES, this plan is legit. We printed out the schedule and filled in some undecided venues. He also suggested alternative routes (like shown in the above photo) and it saved us more time! We also made reservations for two traditional restaurants on the spot. Jin called them and since it's traditional and "indie", we had to make the booking in Japanese. While everything was happening, I just kept Victoria updated and asked for her preference on the spot. All in all, it was just absolutely purrrrfect.

WE HAD MAPS. Routes were drawn for some areas so we won't get lost. It saved us a lot of data and helped us exercised quite a bit.  


I left the morning after I left OCAC Tour on the 26th of December 2015. My flight was from Taoyuan to Shanghai, then from Shanghai to Haneda International Airport. Ended up spending the entire trip from Taoyuan to Shanghai playing bejeweled ayyy. I also had a lot of leg space since they put me in the first row <3

I had only a few minutes to transit and it was CRAZY. I was SO NERVOUS because I just made it in time. My mom was actually quite worried about connecting flights in Shanghai with limited time. Her experience tells her to NEVER trust the times because they'll always delay. Turns out my flight to Tokyo didn't delay at all (which meant I had to RUN). What made it more difficult was that the plane was really far from the airport and waiting for those shuttle buses took ages. What made it worse was that transit immigration officers took AGES to get people through. I was literally about to break while I waited for them to slowly process everything. Like betch I have a plane to catch in 15 minutes can you please hurry up. Yes eventually I managed to make it in time and boarded this little plane.

It wasn't the most comfortable plane ride. Too many turbulence and food was ew. Would not suggest/10 but it does get you to your destination so I guess it's ok.


By the time I arrived, it was already quite late in the afternoon. When I went into the airport bathroom I was convinced 100% that I've actually managed to travel all the way here alone. THE BATHROOMS IN JAPAN ARE SO NICE! #muchtechnology. I also tried to get a SIM card at the airport but they didn't let me buy one since I wasn't 20. Or 21. Can't really remember. Luckily they had free wifi at all stations so I could kind of find my way to Shimbashi Station.

I did make it to Shimbashi Station but I went out on the wrong exit so I ended up being under a bridge and it was the wrong bridge #toomanybridges. So then I kind of just..strolled around with my suitcase. I didn't bother going down to the station again to find the right exit because my suitcase was too heavy and my arms would fall off if I had to go through those stairs again. Then smart me went to ask these Japanese working men (that just had their dinner in a small restaurant near the exit) how I could get to the hotel. Yeah I did some pointing and kanji writing but none of them know the "Ginza Hotel". Okay. I thought this hotel name would at least not sound so foreign to them..HAHAHAH. Anyways don't ask me how I found my way to the hotel but I was soooo excited and relieved that my inner compass and instincts have not failed me that night. 

By the time I arrived, it was already quite late and Vic would arrive in 30mins-ish so I decided to wait for her to check in together.

First selfie in Tokyo hehe

We were so tired and exhausted so we decided to have a chill night and buy dinner at the convenient store downstairs. It was greaaat since we haven't met each other since winter break in July. I'd like to take this chance to say how grateful I am to have her as my closest-but-not-physically-close friend. She's sooo amazing and are always there for me and my dramatic life. It just felt like she's been my friend for all my life but tbh we only met in high school. You dabes!

Yes, we went down to the convenient store and they had SO MANY options and we were there for about half an hour just deciding on what to get. I ended up buying some snacks as well! These snacks are sooo cute! I didn't really know the concept of japanese yen so I spent quite recklessly throughout the trip.

They all look very delicately made and asdfghjkl; so delicious. It was really hard for us to choose because this would be the only night where we'd eat at a convenient store #makeitcount.I bought instant noodles because I wanted soupy/noodles and it was greaatt! Japanese instant noodles have the best soup base I must say :)

Sooo tired from OCAC & flights

Oh and of course, hotel room pic!
The room was really compact but we had enough space to put two massive luggage down. The lighting was horrible at night though. There's a chair and coffee table at the corner. We raided the place before I got a chance to take a proper photo :x

Annnnd here's the bathroom. YES BUTT WARMING SEATS LOL


We had complimentary breakfast at the hotel and it was sooo nice. I wouldn't mind eating here for all my meals throughout my stay! Excuse my tired face but here you can see the fooooood mmmMMmmM delicious. 

The place was really nice but the walk was super intense and tiring so don't venture there unless if you have good footwear and stamina. I thought I was going to get cramps from going up and down hills #unfit. The flowers were really pretty though.

I think.
Remember watching this anime about a girl with a tail and being able to see gods. So when I came here I thought of Tenjin with that cheeky/jerk-like personality HAHAH Anyways, we were here to pray for Vic's success for GMAT!

oops my finger in the corner HAHAHAHA

UENO ZOO / 韻松亭
We went to Ueno Zoo after and rode the swan boats it's soo cute HHAHA but our legs were so tired after. It was also really cold so you can imagine how runny my nose went :'c

Victoria please don't kill me <3

After our ride, we went to 韻松亭 for lunch. This place was recommended by Jin. He said that he takes his clients here for meals and the food here is authentic, views are stunning and services are a solid 10/10. I can tell you that the food was amazing... as for views....see it for yourself!

****Cash Only**** 
The set that we booked was 2,600 yen per person.
Extremely hard to find in UENO AREA. You'll have to walk around a bit and watch out for this traditional looking house. It's not very obvious on the outside but just have a closer look. #goodluck HHAHAHA it took a while for us to find it too.

We arrived at Eki Biru Ekimise to go hire/buy Kimono afterwards. The shop name is called "Nadeshiko" and basically, just like other services, we pick the fabric and buy that. The shop will rent us the rest of the Kimono for a few hours as long as we return by 7pm.

So.tight.around.the.waist. I guess it improved my posture quite a bit. Spot the cat socks HAHHAHAHHA 

We left our belongings at the shop and walked to Asakusa Shrine nearby. Only 2 streets down! The weather was really cold but I'm glad that I wore heat tech underneath all of this so it was bearable.

Eyebags so heavy. Such tire.

There were soo many people and we had to push through crowds. We bought some presents here as well! We walked back to the shop afterwards and returned everything (except for the dark purple cloth that I bought) and left to go to Tokyo Sky Tree for dinner! Was so tired and hungry by then :P

We walked around for a bit in Soramachi (Sky Tree Base) while we waited till our reservation time. They had anime shops and what not but I couldnt find what I wanted :( To get to La Sora Seed Food Relation Restaurant, we had to go across to another building that was linked to the base. Although it was quite far, but we were able to see these splendid night views <3

Thought this wall was really cute and pretty at the same time. Now I look at it and fear it slightly because I'm now lactose intolerant. Funny how things can change so much in a short amount of time /sobs.

Yess finally waiting in queue to go on top of the sky tree!

This place was sooo nice! We were the only non couple table actually. Who cares! We're here on a girl date! :D

Let the food photos roll in!
Note: it was really difficult for me to find a good angle because there was a light bulb right behind me so the shadow was really difficult to work around :(((((( I only picked out the okay looking ones so it's not everything on the menu.

Can't really remember how many courses we had but the meal took HOURS because they would serve them slowly. Here's our cute menu!

 The dessert was SO NICE. I would go back to have the dessert again!
Wish we got the table by the windows though. Next time, next time :)


We made sure that today would be a chill day! 
We also had to change our schedule for the day and push some POI's to the next day #hairtooktoolong.

Another healthy start to the day! Maybe not that healthy but definitely nutritious...

Meiji Jingu
We took the train and got off at Harajuki Station and walked to Meiji Jingu. I didn't expect the walk from the entrance to be this long but it was sure a trek. The pebbles were hard to walk on and it felt like I was sinking every step I took and that the path was just never ending. Meanwhile people are wearing heels and still walking fine like w0t. 

I'm not sure what I asked but this was what I got.

We walked to Takeshita Dori after.

Oh my golly gosh this place is great! It's really crowded though....and I feel so much older here because everyone's either a tourist or high school student.

Feels like you could dive down the lane into a crowd of people HAAHHA
Other than just coming here for the sake of it, we wanted to try the crepes here! It's a must. There were SOOOo MANY OPTIONS! From sweet to savoury!

I got berry mix and puff pastry !

It was really nice! We stood on the side of the road and ate it with all these strangers. 
Not sure what we had for lunch ... oops..

 YESSSSS We took ages trying to settle on a hair salon to do our hair. I wanted to get my hair dyed and Vic wanted to get it permed. This place was really well decorated #designonfleek

Entrance/reception area
mad lighting

Pic before I destroy my hair.

Taro couldn't speak english so Vic had to translate everything for me.
I studied Jap for 2 years in middle school.
I have several Japanese relatives.
My mom went to Tokyo Uni and even opened a Japanese cram school in Taiwan.
I don't even know how to speak Jap.
This was the moment where I wish I actually put in some effort into learning this language and continued learning it. Like I get the gist of it. I get some simple things and I can guess a bit but still not good enough to hold a casual conversation...

I didn't really know what I wanted either. I just said I wanted ombre. So yeah.

I almost cried when I saw this. Yeah he bleached it in strands. I was like, is this it? HAHAHHAHA oh my gosh. KMS. Vic and I both finished around 8-9pm at night. It took 4 hours longer than we anticipated so we had to push our schedule WAAY back. We still went to shibuya for dinner anyway because we were starving by then.

We didn't look at restaurants in Shibuya because we figured that this district should have plenty of restaurants (which is has)..BUT that was the very reason why we couldnt decide on what to eat. So we just walked into this nice looking restaurant on the Shibuya Crossing.

Now I can't remember what happened after this, did we go to big camera? I think so... I think so... YES we did! We bought it before the store closed. Listen folks, buy your technologies in Japan because it's cheap and we don't need to pay tax.

Anyways, I wanted to buy a tablet because my uni mini laptop is SUPER SLOW and annoying to take notes the point where I reverted back into pen-style note taking.

The tablet itself costed around $900AUD. 
$350 difference compared to if I were to buy the tablet in Australia.
I didn't even feel anything when I swiped that commbank travel card at the counter.


Ginza Day!!! Have you noticed that we started our trip from the furthest destination and slowly narrowing down to the area where we stayed at? YES! That was our strategy because we know that we'll get lazy and slack off and get tired as each day passes. So we put day 3 as our SHOPPING day. YESS more spending. Exchange rate was good as well! 

I didn't take a photo of all the places we went but here are the ones that looked good hehe
I bought so many gifts from itoya for friends and fam omg

We had tea at this mocha/tea place and it was so classic and shit HAHHAA it made me so self conscious when I was pouring my tea.

the colours were so pretty under the sun!

Man made land.
This place honestly didn't feel very Japan-like.
Here's a selfie of us crying with the polar bears. #climatechangeisreal

Comicon was quite underwhelming... there's just a bunch of people taking photos of cosplayers and BILLIONS of tables with artists' works. I did buy this pretty folder. We didn't come here for a specific artist so I think that's why we weren't too into it.
Diver City and Venus Fort was meh. We liked Shibuya more HAHAHHA #moresales #moreoptions 

We decided to go back to Shibuya and spend more time there to shop for things suitable for our age.
We also went to visit the cat cafe and played with the cats for a bit <3
They were so cuuuute but most of them were sleeping since it was late.

Another place recommended by Jin! They have really nice Japanese BBQ and reallly really reallly really cool interior design. It's basically underground and the place looks like a small Japanese village. The only downside is that they allow people to smoke here so it can smell a bit strong if you dont sit close to a vent.

Food was sooo nice! Would come back/10


I've been to Disneyland in the U.S when I was young but I don't really remember anything other than having to walk a lot. We arrived at Disneyland pretty early. How? We avoided Tokyo station because we would probably get pushed to a random platform at peak hour anyway HAHAH #jin'sadvice

It's time to be kids again!

I was so happy that I looked so derp in all the selfies we took but I guess some are okay for public eyes.

i am a meme

sorry vic please dont kill me

please let me keep that photo on i'll sacrifice my reputation with this photo. 
eating that churro

Alice in wonderland restaurant.
V cute.

It took us 30mins to wait in queue for this cute meal <3
We didn't really DO much or go on rides (except for the ferris wheel) because the queues were massive. So we left disneyland and went to grab dinner close by (forgot where) and planned to come back for fireworks at night. Planned.

Spontaneous location again!
Was pretty good though

After dinner I kind of just died because my blisters were getting really bad. So I actually went back to the hotel while vic stayed out for longer to shop for her things. 
Yes we did miss out on fireworks :(

But then I got the chance to take this photo hehe
I shopped very hard in 4 days.

I tried to finish all the cash I had so I bought some Sakura Kitkats at the airport


Last meal in Japan <3
Thanks for treating me well.

and you're welcome
to some stranger out there


because I lost my first suica (travel card) somewhere in ueno zoo on the second day.
I had 20,000 yen on it
Yeah I'm a disgrace omg
I was SOOO SOOO SOO SOOO DEVASTATED for the rest of the day
I just threw $250~ AUD down the drain like wtf.

lesson learnt: do not ever put too much money on a travel card. ever. or at least register the card so you can get it back.
Vic told me to think of it as a gift to Japan.
I think I'm just pure retarded to even think that it was a good idea even though suica could be used in many stores....

pretty depressing ending to my post right?
no worries at all
no worries

Congratulations for finishing the entire post <3
Till next time :)
p.s. thank you vic for making this trip happen xoxo