Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Summer'1516 EP1: Brisbane & Taiwan Taoyuan

Finally got around to cleaning my photos and getting onto finish this 1 year late blog post.
Half of this post was probably written around a year ago and my writing style probably changed a bit....please bear with me x.


Hulllooo it's me again 
Are you all proud of me for blogging more frequently? :D
I've cleared out so many GB of space on my phone just by transferring them out for blogging purposes so this definitely benefited me more than anyone else. Now I can take more photos yess! (I had no space on my phone that's why I haven't been taking many photos)

Let's get intooo it!

First stop from Canberra was [Brisbane].
I had a few days in Brisbane with my family and friends before I left for my 2 month of crazy travels. I decided to bring my Polaroid back with me since it's cute and all that but tbh I barely took any photos and it was way too heavy for me to carry around. Ended up leaving them in Taiwan because I couldn't fit it in my luggage or bag LMAO

I love Brisbane sooo much! For the food, the people and just the sheer fact that life is so much easier there. More vibrant and creative...and..not FREEZING. I thought Brisbane winters were cold but after moving to Canberra for uni..I realized that the cold back then was nothing. 

We had food gatherings with dad's friends at this really nice area but it's quite pricey for the portion they serve. 

Korean food at Midam with relatives from NZ! 
They have a twin and they're both super cute and respectful. I think they're still in primary school but they'd cook the meet for their parents. ADORBS <3 They'll do all the runs to the station to get more food as well. #childgoals. 

Annnnd YumCha as usual. 
It's a must whenever I go back! They have realllllly nice food urrgh this is making me miss Brisbane so much I'm craving all these foods. 

And of course, our home cooked meals <3
My dad and I have similar taste in food so I'm happy every day, every meal LOL

Aunty's coffee 
DELICIOUS. Best coffee around! 
Even better than all the ones I've ever had.

Home noodles dabes.
Diet portion!

Sometimes we'll switch it up and cook some crabs.
(like every 2 days when I'm back)
I cooked this time ;)
But I didn't prepare the crabs myself because I don't have the strength to crack the shells with a knife.... BUT IT'S OK I SPENT LIKE 20MINS COOKING THE EGGS HAHAH my arms were so sore after.

I spent a day sorting out my flights and double checking whether would connect properly.
  • Gold Coast -> Singapore -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> ShangHai -> Japan Haneda
  • Japan Haneda -> ShangHai -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> ChiangMai Thailand
  • ChiangMai Thailand -> Taiwan
  • Taiwan -> Singapore -> Brisbane
  • Brisbane -> Sydney -> Sydney (bus) 

All these trips
so much planning
And I also bought round trips so there's 3 international round trips
as for domestic ones, I bought one ways cause I went to gc for one and bris for another.
I think I forgot to change one of the flights so I freaked out and made last minute changes.
So folks, if you're going to do crazy things like me then please double check your flights unless if you have someone to do that for you. You wouldn't want to turn up at the airport then to find out we're stuck there.

Hung out around Southbank with Vic to sort out Japan trip~
Disregard what I said in the post about 

After lunch, we visited the state library to finish off some final planning.

Last meal in Australia before flying off to Taiwan!

First meal in Taiwan with mum's side of the family!
Couldn't really remember much of this meal but it was great to catch up with everyone.
Literally all I do in Taiwan is eat so here are some photos of the food I've consumed HAHAHA

When mum is hype on karaoke/10

I actually don't know or recall what really happened SORRY (to my future self).