Thursday, July 7, 2011

#75 - gaming gaming gaming

heeellllo n____n
recently, i've been gaming all day (practically, also some homework and packing) <3
Thats righhhtt

sorry people, i'm breaking the news to you.
I play runescape
now im waiting forr rebecca to get online so we can go slay the dragon :D

so now im reading a manga about this elder bro hitting on the neighbour girl :L
even though his younger bro likes her
and the elder bro succeeds cause he's old and mature, but actually, he's just playing with her
and she trusts him so much
cause he's just being a really nice, caring piece of shit (i hate those people who play around to that extent) (what extent?) (very uhh...deep expression of 'love')
the younger bro is so cute <3 and good looking~ (ofcourse  in manga only)
but at the same time, that girl needs to be more conscious of men HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA
she's too gullible.... dont be gullible guys ;D even though sometimes i am too, but in other.ways

Since my cousins came, we vigorously gamed for a week!! :D
it was soo fun, since i was half grounded-ish O___O cause my parents are not in the mood in taking me anywhere, even to the bus stop T____T  anywayy

1. wii sports resort was okay...i rate it 2/5 ...cause i dont like the sports options :L
2. TMNT was..pree ..simple i guess, it wasnt like super difficult ..
3. taiko thing game....its so cute, there's ds version too, i played the ds version on my mum's ds before :D it was fuuuuuunnnn , funny how i switch playing with either of my cousins' account, so i dont lvl up one of theirs over the other. PC FLASH VERSION
4. super mario bros :D omg we only started like..a while ago...and we're up to world 3-1 XD
but...we're kinda stuck, cause the real penguins kill us. well, them , LOL JOKES...uh its addictive tho! tonight, ....last night, we finished the world 2 first castle and boss!! yay~
we played 3p, it was funny, cause i was the yellow mushroom player, and they were like freggin jumping on my head, and the sound effects are hilarious!! hahahaha, but it gets quite annoying, cause i cant really jump, when they are on my head =_=  ahahaha in world 2 boss, the screen goes automatically, so u go along the pace, and while we're waiting for it, we decided to dance a bit (dance, press the 'down' button accordingly to the rhythm of the song playing) LOLOLOLOLOLOL it was funny, cause once, we nearly died cause we're so into the dance, and nearly going off the screen XD
^thats the easy part
5. paper mario hehe,i was super pissed, cause i started another account, and then i forgot how to find merlee or something in world 2, and then i was in her mansion for like an 1hr thinking i dont need to google it....then...i gave up and ..played....
6. mysims kingdom hahahahahahaha and build stuff, srs, that game makes ur head spin, after playing it O_O
its in 3D TT||| super mario bros is still better :D

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i dont want to go back to school T______T and i mean it >:D