Monday, September 12, 2011

decent chocolate.
(just when i need it :'D)

im getting random shivers and it feels really cold...i hope im sick or something 
(os: just get on with the sickness, i want to stay home >:D) 
this is how badly i want to laze around and drink icetea wearing baggy clothes whilst talking to my neightbour's dog..
we have a good analysis for the quality of grass in the neighbourhood. 
dont worry guys, i can socialise much more than that. ...
...yeah you got it, bffl-wii remote 

FML .it's so cold now. really cold...
probably cause i just woke up but anyway...
中秋節快樂 :)

Wang Lee Hom-Heartbeat 王力宏-心跳 【HD】MV

this song is sew old but it's so good :D