Tuesday, September 27, 2011

holidays been good, spending quality time with my family and STUFF...like always :D 
since my cousins now all live at my old house with super slow internet so they came over for the day.
damn i should of taken a photo -_- 

everyone has their laptops and we had four people sitting in front of the TV, two on the dining table and one in the study room.HAHAHAH i swear it was real epic. Everyone was just like "PROBLEM? -troll face-" at each other. half of the people were hardcore downloading MVs and songs, the other half (including myself) played games ...

runescape, crystal saga, plants vs zombies, stepmania and angry birds
don't judge us aye (for the first one ;D)

arvowards. we decided to play super mario bros wii and finally finished w8-castle and final boss.........


 ( =A= )凸

4p down to 1 and I pressed dur yellow button in the end :) 
my cousins were like super high and sht..

LAWL HERO OF THE DAY - (u_u) -  cant be helped.