Friday, October 12, 2012

Season 2 世界冠軍 4強 M5 vs. TPA #3


0:57:44 ONWARDS- oh my gosh making me want to cry too :c
Summary of what he said near the end:
he's really happy that TPA did really well and did their best against a really skilled team (M5).
Taiwan has really shown that they deserve more than the 11th place out of the top 12 league teams. We've always been 'underestimated' and thought low of so this is a great opportunity to showcase our team to the world.

p.s. many said that this was the best national day gift
p.p.s. 10th of october was taiwan's national day :L


so half way through lunch, which is like 11am...some of the year 11s asked Mr a if he could let us use a room to link a laptop to the projector to watch the tournament. So we all sat and watched the game. TERRIBAD FIRST ROUND. M5 took first blood and TPA was doing terrible and getting kicked in the ass. So I like legit stormed out of the room in 10minutes since it was almost 100% that TPA would lose that game. Then. we had to go back to doing group 4 work so we relied on one friend to update us.Then surprisingly TPA won the second game. GREAT :D
2:50pm we were packing up and about to leave.

friend: TPA
me: whut?
friend: TPA won
mr g: -gives me weird looks-
class: dafuq is going on

I dont get why m5 chose those champions in the 2nd and 3rd round.. it seems like they did it on everything is planned. But meh, the game was entertaining to watch.