Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I'm Back! Updates!

Oh hey.
Just 4 months late. I abandoned this blog...but don't worry, I haven't been partying hard or studying my ass off. I've just been playing dragon nest, sleeping, cramming and spending most of my time on Youtube. 

I'm going to try my best to summarize what happened in these past few months
- Forgot to change first preference to International relations/Criminology
- Got offered Law/Criminology at ANU (it was my first preference)
I'll have to go into round 2 if I wanted them to give me other options. I feel pathetic, I didn't even want to study this but here I am, enrolled in this course because it "sounds good" to my relatives. I'm still not even sure if I like it, or even am interested in it. I don't hate it but I might not like international relations and that's my reasoning for staying in this course. 

After knowing I was set to go to Canberra for uni, I planned out what I was going to get done in Brisbane before the day I leave. This was my calendar for January. I was occupied with something every.single.day. Rip immune system. 
The reason why I was almost working full-time was because two people quit and I had to fill in their spot since no one else could. Being the kind of person who doesn't mind helping (and earning a bit more $$), I told her I was fine with it. Ahem, but really.. it was inhumane. Had to wash the plates, make udon, grab ingredients for the sushi makers inside, take orders, serve drinks, check, take in plates, make some meals, wash caps, lay caps out to dry/wipe them individually, stock up drinks. Rinse and repeat. On busy days, having two people out there isn't even enough...especially with 3 groups wanting to take orders and 2 groups wanting a check, while needing to clear a few tables for the new people coming in. It was just chaotic. I was paid $9 an hour. Real. I don't really mind though, I'm there for the experience anyway, but I'd like to know that this amount of work is worth more than that $9. What can I say, it's Sunnybank. 

On 22nd of Jan, Vic and I went and checked out the lifeline bookfest! This was beautiful and I found many asdfghjkl; good books that I'm absolutely in/love/with. Urghhh. 


Grandma wanted to have a family get together to celebrate my "success" in getting into a "good" university. We scheduled it to be on the 22nd, after I return from bookfest. I only took one photo because we've been to that restaurant over 10 times in the last few months so you're probably sick of seeing it anyway ; v ;

I found even more family gathering photos + food, not sure if this is the real one or not.. or we just had 309423 gatherings in that period of time...

On that Friday, I had a dinner date with mum and we were planning to go eat at Ren but last minute changed to Jelly Fish seafood restaurant. This is a photo of mum and I. SHE LOOKS YOUNGER THAN ME WHY. 

We agreed to met up at this bank but I went to the other one in the city so I had to walk the same street over 2 times. Shame. Then I finally saw mum and her boyfriend. They look like a good pair. Throughout the night, he talked to me a lot and they were really showing lots of love and care for one another. I've never seen her bathed in a man's gentle love so I'm really happy for her!

I worked a few more shifts at Guroome and left when I was sure that they employed this other girl. A few weeks before that, dad was talking to me about gaining experience etc and told me that I lacked the will to learn new things and take opportunities. I agreed with him, even though it didn't make me feel any better about myself. What good is it, to feel good about myself when I'm not getting anywhere.. SOOOOOO. I asked dad if he could help me with finding a place to learn about how to make coffee, SINCERELY. 

With his op connections. He asked Matthew if I could do work experience at Shingle Inn at Brisbane Square. Matthew kindly accepted me into his "sanctuary" for 4 days but I told him I needed an extra day to pack. Needless to say, this was the best work experience I've ever had! I loved the environment. It was "up there" in comparison with the last job I had..uhhh. 

The staffs were nice, laid back and professional. Most of them worked there for years and they're only uni students. I learned a lot from these 3 days. Since I was short on time, he had to quickly teach me the basics of making coffee. I learned how to use the machine, made latte for Matthew's mum too *u* omg I was stoked to be able to serve her! Matthew told dad that I was a fast learner and he would hire me if I were to stay in Brisbane -sighs- another opportunity I have to pass. 

Mooooving on to February.

I planned the farewell dinner on the night before my flight. I really wanted to try out Ren since mum wanted to go there at first. Whichever restaurant mum suggests = good restaurant. This was a beautiful night. SO MUCH GOOD FOOOD. They are a bit costly though. 

So delicious o u o
 Ice cream!
 The girls, and Alfie.
 Paying for the bill (this is only half the table)
 Thank you all for the cute cards <3

I'm really lucky to be able to meet alll of youuu! Sorry for not being able to make another outing for bio family QAQ It was so rushed and I didn't know if it was worth an entire outing asdfghjkl; forgive me. It's not like I'm not visiting Brisbane anyway ;) saving all your money hue.

Coffee in Brisbane Domestic Airport!

Dad and grandparents came to visit for a few days and we met up for lunches etc. I was quite busy with classes and assignments so I didn't get to spend time during the day to sight see with them :/ 


Grandpa took so many photos. I should ask him to transfer them to me some other time. 

First year ANUSA Camp!

Stepmum didn't get to visit with dad and grandparents since she was on an emergency business trip. So dad and stepmum DROVE down to canberra in one day.
Translation: "before sunrise to sunset, drove 1200km for 15hours, felt like I was experiencing my younger days, but exhausted my wife, too crazy? Living up the life, goodnight"
Look at all those likes, if I posted something like this, I'D GET 10 LIKES. Dad too popular. 

We had lunch together the next day.

Afterwards, we went to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia and talked to 張小月大使, the ambassador for Taiwan in Australia. I am so honoured to be able to meet her and listen to her talk. She speaks so gracefully *u* 
Funny how dad kept joking around with her. She mentioned that Brisbane has the densest Taiwanese population in Australia. In which dad used that and suggested that she should come and visit Brisbane more often. She talked about Taiwan Festival and how Brisbane's Taiwan Festival is the best out of all the Taiwan Festivals in Australia. #BrisbanePride. 

Step mum was so excited and shoved me her phone and asked me to take photos before we even started talking XD
We stayed there for 2 hours or so, just chatting about Taiwan, Canberra, Brisbane etc

We planned to stay a night in Canberra and head for Sydney the next morning!
Big breakfast?! Psh, it was just enough (y)

We met with Andy Yao - Taiwan/Australia Legal and security officer, in Sydney Meet Fresh. They were really nice and helpful to us, mostly because we're Taiwanese too! Close-knit Taiwanese bunch in Canberra woot (y)

After that, they took me to Costco to get groceries since you can't possibly get there and come back by public transport when you're carrying so many things. 

We were so tired by then, and hung around Sydney for a bit more. We called our relative and family friend who lives in Sydney to see if they're free for dinner ~

Blurry photo since I was sent this through line. Great night!
The vibe here is completely different.
I much still prefer Brisbane though :x

Next day, we went to The Rocks.
Waiting for fooood.
Many Tourists, including us

Need to ask stepmum to send me the photos with me in it  
and just photos in general.

Who said Uni was going to be easier than IB.
I need to prove that person wrong. 
You're wrong.
So wrong.
I want to go back to IB.
This was my desk at 11pm on the night our first Torts (Law) assignment was due. Not even new, me cramming assignment on the day it's due. Pssh ez. says no one.

I have not felt stress free for ONE DAY of my life in uni. What even in stress in IB? My time table is pretty spaced out and I've given up to going to most lectures since they record them anyway. As for classes, some of them are so fast paced because there are so many contents to push through for one question. I couldn't even type fast enough to catch up to the teacher. 
I spend 90% of my concentration on remembering what the teacher said word for word,
10% of my concentration on what he's actually saying.
Then I have to go home and let it sink through, unless if he stops and interacts and questions us.

The place I lived is self catered so I have to go buy my groceries, carry it back 1km walk, find motivation to cook, wash up etcetc but the hardest part is to think of what to cook!
I tried,

I didn't take photos of other food that I made ; v ;
hungry? Makes food. Finishes making food. Too hungry. Eats it within a few minutes.
You see, there's no time to take photos, I only took these to show my dad that I'm eating something (y)

That's about it for now, 
here are the photos I am able to blog about~

-revives blog- 
o u o