Thursday, June 25, 2015

Degree thoughts

Many of my friends know that I was accepted into ANU's flexible double degree of Law and Criminology. Not all of them know that I transferred from Law to Asia-Pacific Studies. Reason being that (1) I don't catch up with many friends, (2) it's awkward to suddenly bring up about this change and (3) my choice is not for anyone to judge. 

Law just wasn't my thing.
I thought I could come to enjoy law but I was turned off in my first semester studying foundation law. I have no interest in learning the Magna Carta and the ways it influences contemporary law, nor do I have interest in learning about who to blame for damages done on a third party's property unintentionally or intentionally. Also, a flexible double degree is FIVE years. F.I.V.E. years. Don't forget about law student loans. No, thank you. I might come back to "realise" that I need a law degree and shouldn't of transferred but as of now, I do not regret my choice at all. Now I'm enjoying my uni courses, feeling fulfilled from being informed with international events and learning about the ways our international system has evolved. 

Security Studies caught my eye.
I was so DONE with that one semester of law and couldn't wait for course transfer applications to open. This degree stood out to me while I was surfing around for a degree that sounds promising and exciting. I found stationary things dull. I love fast paced real world events. We're constantly learning new things, experiencing new difficulties and challenges. As opposed to law, I personally felt like it was heavily text book based. It's a system that functions with the basis of precedents. So it has to have happened before in order for it to be taught or published in textbook. It feels like every analysis is based on the past, because this and this happened in the year of this and this under this and this....etc. Perhaps it's stereotypes, the law often fails to protect it's people. tbh the 7-9pm tutorial was pos. For all the people who felt offended, chill. I'm not dissing it, just stating that it's not my preference. You like historical movies, I like action movies. That's that. 

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Studies.
I couldn't really get the hang of my new degree at first...mostly because the second semester course was the continuation of the first semester course. I was LOST. I was so confused and left behind (content wise). I had no idea what the order of the wars were. I had no clue about how they were related either (proxy wars). I did not take history. I hated SOSE. I did not follow the world news at all. I spent so much time reading all the extra readings and did research on my own. Now I check world news on a daily basis to keep up with what's happening around the world. At first, the motivation behind all this was to look less "dumb" and clueless in tutorials but now it's becoming a habit. Even then, I'm still not too vocal in tutorials as I'm still not confident enough to exchange my interpretation of an event. How does one comment on a relationship between two people when you've barely known the entire plot???!! The struggle is real. 

The struggle will continue but I love my degree 0.0)b

obligatory screenshot of my dragon nest experience:
- my ice witch is magestic
- I like playing ice witch because it's easy af and tanky in pve
- 1.4k ping is unplayable nexon fix your servers
- my average ping is 230 
- I get rekt in pvp