Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#67 - i squished the sponge cake

as the title said 
i squished the sponge cake
i squished the sponge cake
i squished the sponge cake...
i squished the sponge cake....
i squished the sponge cake...
i squished the sponge cake..
i squished the sponge cake.
i squished the sponge cake.
i squished the sponge cake.....
i squished the sponge cake......
i squished the sponge cake
i squished the sponge cake......
i squished the sponge cake

but it still looks okay..... -shifty eyes-


i went to kumon today
and guess what.
the place was fulled of little kids ..-_-
WTF it used to be a quiet and nice day
but NO 

so i just lied and told them i'm just getting my homework
then i escaped ..wohohoho..
and i ended up doing another worksheet in the shop
finished it in 30mins :D

Mando - uhh..one mark off a 69 T______T 
Chem - stuff this, wohohohoho n_____n nothing to do with me anymore~ <3


and that reminded me about something depressing ;_;
