Saturday, June 18, 2011

#70 - Koizora

This song is currently on replay </3

Spoilers at the bottom of the post :) 
if yhu want to watch the drama/manga/movie yourself, then DONT read it 

Download link: CRY BYTCHES!!


優しい風が吹く いつもの道で
The gentle wind always blows on the road     
あなたに会えるとか そんなことでいい
I want to meet you, but is it okay for such a thing
小さな鼓動の揺れが 想いに重なり
There’s small heart beats and our feelings will overlap
静かに溶けるのを ただ待っている
I’m just waiting for them to dissolve quietly into each other
人はどうして 答えを求めるの?
Why do people yearn for answers?
わたしはこれで 幸せなのに 幸せなのに
I’m happy with this, happy
アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
Can you hear the Song of Love?
それは 小さなアイが
It’s a small love
微笑むように 寄り添うような
In order to smile, it seems we’re drawn close 
By your tender sound
時は流れ 夢は流れ
Time is flowing, dreams are flowing
いろんなかたち 変わっても
They change various shapes
あなたがただ ここにいれば 
Right here with you, I’m fine with only this

あなたの呼ぶ声に 気づくときには
I noticed your voice was calling out to me
失した物に ただ手を伸ばすだけ
I reach my hand out to the things I lost
時はどうして 終わりを告げるの?
Why does this mark the end of time?
描いた今は 明日の空に続いているのに
But I’ll still draw the sky of tomorrow
アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
And I’ll follow it, Can you hear the song of love?
それは 小さなアイが
It’s about a small love
一つ一つ 瞬くような
Winking one by one
To your beloved sound
時と共に あの日の星
During that time on that day with the stars
My tears were flowing   
あなたがただ ここにいれば  
Right here with you,
I’m fine with just this 
願いは 時に遠く
Time is a distant wish
I’m probably trying to grasp unreasonably
While laboring with my hands
そのまま 消えてゆくような
Like that, it’s disappearing
From something big
小さなアイに 気づけば
I noticed a small love
いつか時が 花を咲かし
Someday during a time when the flowers are blooming
Before too long, a big love is
歌うように 奏でるように
Like singing, like playing
The two of us are wrapped together
アイのうたが 聴こえたんだ
Can you heard the song of love?
それは 小さなアイが
It’s about a small love
微笑むように 寄り添うような
Like smiling, it seems we’re close
By your tender sound
時は流れ 夢は流れ
Time flows, dreams flow
いろんなかたち 変わっても
They change various shapes
あなたがただ ここにいれば 
Right here with you,
I’m fine with just this
あなたがいて そばで笑う
Laughing while at your side,
 I’ll be fine with just this 


Spoilers (super simple version)

Hiro, who looks like a pimp :L goes after Mika and they eventually went out together. because of the fact that most new relationships breaks up is obvious that Hiro's ex-gf gets really jealous and hates Mika to the point where she wants to destroy her. Hiro threatened her to not touch 'his girl' but that didnt stop his ex. Until the point when his ex sexually assaulted Mika, then Hiro was really serious and wanted to punch his ex. His sister stopped her from doing so. sometime around this event, Mika became pregnant with Hiro's baby...D:   they tried to ask for miko parent's forgiveness and they want to marry each other when they turn 18. Not long after, Hiro's ex came back for revenge and kicked her. And she lost the baby(it died ;_;)... sadly (VERY SADLY) hiro is diagnosed with cancer (FKKKK), and only has a few years to live. Maybe not even 20 :@  Hiro didnt tell Mika, instead, he wanted her to hate him, so he did many horrible things to hurt her and leave him. Mika tried to forget him, but because of the baby's death, she couldn't forget about their relationship. She tried to move on, after meeting Yuu, this uni man and they went out. Yuu is a really gentle, understanding person. He even stopped Mika's parents from divorcing....on chrismas eve, Mika went to the park the place where she promised hiro to pray for their baby and leave a christmas gift for her(baby). Like every year, she visited the park at midnight, and finds Hiro's friend and eventually finds out that Hiro is dying....T________T then she chose to leave Yuu... Hiro and Mika spent the rest of the time with each other, and they revisited the school and thought of the past day, when mika was away from the hospital, hiro's sister called her to go to the hospital immediately because hiro is dying. As mika was running to the hospital, mika called to hiro's phone....Through the video call, hiro's last words to Mika was.."Mika, Smile..." and the video call stopped. Hiro closed his eyes, and a drop of tear rolled down. Hiro died. (OMG T_____T) 
Mika was devastated, she loved him so much, to the point where she attempted to jump of the bridge with Hiro's diary. two doves suddenly flew up and stopped her from jumping down. Mika looked back, and saw the diary pages flipping and on every page...was Mika's name "today..mika..." "mika..." 
OKAY, this is sad, im stopping here
if i'm not making sense. It's because i'm having a mental blank....T____T sadness overflowing

+ i read the manga version :)  that was the manga in the previous post (contains some..awkies part)