Monday, June 27, 2011

#73 - A Date

Today, I had the best day. Not to offend Vic, but it was enjoyable :)
8:45 I arrived at Southbank and headed straight to the riverside XD
So many things,
Lost, missed and forgotten.
Surprisingly, I started to have flashbacks D: and it was those times when I didn't take the chance, and do something. I didn't do it, because i was scared, and now I regret for doing nothing at that time. It was one of those flashbacks that make you want to cry, but once you look in the sky, and say to yourself..."HEY, IT'S NOT THAT BAD" does make you feel better. Despite the feeling of being stared by. LOL

I really miss those times, even though i don't look like i care, but i really do. 那時,我很幸福。I need to learn to cherish time, everything fades away, secretly...and it leaves you with pain and pieces of memory. I was alone, but i didn't feel lonely. It feels as if i was living in the flashback..(weird huh)....Sometimes its so good to feel alone, free, and away from all the noise, gossip, rumors and shit. I was left with this, empty, thing..

I smiled to pretend that i didn't care. But on the inside, it's like strangling me...this sorrow...but i was happy

then, as usual (jokes).
went and watch a movie
so sad, vic and I somehow didn't see each other at all, even though we were supposedly at the same place...

CBF BLOGGING TODAY :D some photos coming tmr :D