Tuesday, August 30, 2011

#89 - seaweed !

gnaww :3

ahahahaha thumbs up to 蠟筆小新!!

just in case you guys dont understand the scribbles on the left top corner of the picture...it says Jesus's secret ............(in general) LOLOLOL cant believe it! two week and 3 days till the holidays! CANT WAIT T__________T cbf typing...manga time :D

Monday, August 29, 2011

#88 - clouds

i dont have any youtube videos to share :\ SORRAE GUYS! I've been procrastinating enough on facebook, YESYES i cannot balance between youtube and facebook. but most importantly, I should be doing my English Oral Essay which is due tomorrow at 9:05am, so i'm counting down and i've only got 15hrs and i'm determined to finish it before 12pm, then i can start DT again. 

I love shakespeare :X

Thursday, August 25, 2011

#87 - 2.7183

yesu desu

 ->  Americans VS Japanese   <-

right now im attempting to cram in 5 weeks of maths in one night, but i'm not drinking coffee or anything that contains caffeine.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

#85 - so what chu crying for?

staring at cherries

procrastinated like a pro. now i have to start studying for maths! shyt. Today i wasted 4 hours of my life just sitting around and eating....FML. cause i thought i might be able to play with my cousins, but they can't play cause they were fighting for the whole week. arh eff! grr. wasted! could of stayed at home and play on my own wii and pretend im sick so i dont have to go. anyway, off homeworking.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

#84 - eating cake

I'm being super antisocial these days, and tbh it's not that bad. Not saying that having friends are ghay too. i've been soooo into mariokarting too XD and trying out all the ultra shortcuts. BECAUSE i go WFC now and vs all the noobs out there. LOL jokes they are not noobs. they're pree good. I swear so many ppl are trolls, 5 people chose rainbow roads and they gang up on everyone who passes a certain area :L 

and my wrist is still cracking 

Who you are

Friday, August 19, 2011

#83 - don't be a bitch

oh god he's so cute and his swag :3
he raped the microphone 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

#82 - awkwardness combo


first of all, just an indication of where the restaurant is....it is the asian hotpot restaurant next to sushi train at warrigal shopping center. My dad and I decided not to order the hot pot section cause we want to have a quick dinner. I'm not being super picky but honesty...I stood there for 10seconds waiting for the waitress to remove 2 other spare bowls, plates and chopsticks. awkward situation no.1.

awkward situation number 2 - waiting for the food to come, and getting bored cause there's no background music..and looking around the restaurant 
awkward situation number 3 - the waitress served the dish to the wrong table =_= 
awkward situation number 4 - two other waitress and waiter came up to us to apologise and tell the waitress that she served the dish to the wrong customer.... //super awkward....esp with the pressure...of 3 ppl around you
awkward situation number 5 - the food was super salty, that i had to convey the message through to them by drinking 2 cups of water :|
awkward situation number 6 - i couldn't open the door properly and i had to squeeze through the gap to get out 

all in all, it wasn't a pleasant night. 


fyi: i'm sorry but she's wearing pants :)  apparently she's 46kg 167cm and she studies music (obviously) in uni. *piano for 19 years, violin for14 years :O 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

#81 - skipping away

R&B ♥ 

QA dance was pretty good, OMG i love lily's sexy dance ;D i swear her body was like "roll roll roll roll" hahahahaah. Totes persuading her to join bring it on next year. Thank youu soo much for those people who  organised this dance  :) Even though i cbfed going to the last dance, but i'm pretty sure last night's was the better one. After school, lily went to julie's house and melissa came to my house to get ready. i swear, our routine was like totally different, cause melissa and i just ate and took a shower. BUT julie and lily had a shower, then did their make up and julie did her hair and lily went and took selfies ;D kekekek. Then melissa and I walked to julie's house and then we left her house to go to the dance. We didn't end up getting the free food cause we only arrived after 6.  When we got in, it was kinda awkward cause the mood was kind of dead... but then everyone got really high and pumped up and it was a blast (partly cause the music was getting louder). i personally really liked the bubble machine :D only if it blew out bigger bubbles....then i could play with it hahahaha <- (immature) 

well, nearly a 2 hours after the dance, i realised that there were 3 jap people just standing their awkwardly so we went up and like attempted to talk to them and get them hyped up. And it kinda worked :3 It's so cute the way they dance and they're like so shy and stuff. 


p.s. sorry i had to colour in the whole sentence green because i like food and i like green too, but i didn't have the free food so i have to colour it green to make me feel a bit better....  :(

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#80 - made my day

This video made my day HAHAHAHAHAHAH
rice pudding, rice salad, rice soup, rice milk, rice banana bread...
i have to admit that this guy is speaking truth :L Even though i'm asian myself but he's just ..a freakin legend
watch these before i start to analyse these rant.

and i'm the the loner asian :L you see me, you just see me HAHAHAHAHAHA i dont hide 100 asians behind me, or i do....anyway, now i'm off to studying for business exam tmr worth 40% and trying to finish English essay :O


Monday, August 8, 2011

#79 - the typical

really? Is it really that good to be good looking? I see some pretty girls who had never been loved, because guys are too scared to even approach them. They only 'admire' from the distance.
but being ugly is depressing, it's hard to love yourself :\

omg today's the visitor from UQ talked about saliva... now im so conscious of my own saliva LOL
apparently u produce 1.5 L of saliva each day? or something? I wasn't listening much.....
it's such a typical day.
there's nothing more to say :)

So I forgive you, it's time to forget you.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

#78 - Oh my nuu

Checklist for today!

1. Maths: study for diagnostics and homework and attempt to do the IA
2. English: Finish half of the essay
3. Business: Start studying
4. DT : design something decent
5. Physics: Finish everything except for conclusion

not in order of preference or importance :L
hahahahahaha i spent two nights playing wii with my cousins, i totes deserve this :L I KNEW IT WAS COMING AT ME!! GLGL! Yesterday i went to ns, it was like..awks, cause the teacher looks old and wise and 'undefeatable'. He was a bit scary.......
So i started at Term1 Week 1 yr11SL and coincidentally, the topic is - "Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences!" -cheers- the exact same topic in Pre-IB HL LOLOLOL. So it was basically just review and extension to what qa is learning :L i was the loner in the corner, again. but saw some people who i thought would never go there.... and the awkwardness of being in the same classroom....

btw, i might be playing wii again tonight. super mario bros is the bomb :D

Saturday, August 6, 2011

#77 - my wrist cracks

oh my goodness maths diagnostics on monday. I am going to die. But i can't resist the temptation of reading manga! Business exam on Thursday which takes up 40% of the term's mark, damn i want to get 100% but that's impossible T___T so, i have to start studying on the weekend -shiny eyes- and..what else, oh yea, english essay due on thursday too! what a co-incident ...coughcough and maths + physics IA/DCPCE due on tuesday, again, the same day =_=
but oh well~~ at least my pretty chill now, and then i'll probs get screwed over with all the stuff i havnt done in the week. :\

quitting kumon,
today, i'm going to die in ns, cause i'm going to be like the stupidest person in the class FML
it would be awkward.....hehehe -shifty eyes- hl maths! if i ever drop that subject, i'll......go to the toilet...in a less graceful manner


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do you ever do your ICAS properly?

hellllo :)
it's term three now, can't wait till weekend! I've been anticipating for the weekend much more often this year :L i wonder if it's a good thing XD
OH, im so pumped for maths (LOL JOKES...i'm going to die) hahahahhahaha................>_>
Just in case somebody bothers to read my blog, I MISS REDEEMER PEOPLE :'(
don't worry i still stalk you guys on facebook :L and trust me, it is super entertaining! Yesterday we had ICAS english, the texts were SOO boring =___=  i was like
".....urban....city.....zzzz.........cindy..?...~_~......aging?......uh........sleep?...biological !?!...wtf....okay a,b,d,c,c,d,a "
hhahahahahahaha JOKES i took an educational guess and just went for the longest answer.
NAH. i gave up :D

and tomorrow is the..mathematics competition =_=
i never bother to do comps properly, once i even drew the letter options on my eraser and just tossed it to see which one faces up. and of course, only to the ones i dont give an eff in reading.

i'm just lazy :)