Sunday, August 7, 2011

#78 - Oh my nuu

Checklist for today!

1. Maths: study for diagnostics and homework and attempt to do the IA
2. English: Finish half of the essay
3. Business: Start studying
4. DT : design something decent
5. Physics: Finish everything except for conclusion

not in order of preference or importance :L
hahahahahaha i spent two nights playing wii with my cousins, i totes deserve this :L I KNEW IT WAS COMING AT ME!! GLGL! Yesterday i went to ns, it was like..awks, cause the teacher looks old and wise and 'undefeatable'. He was a bit scary.......
So i started at Term1 Week 1 yr11SL and coincidentally, the topic is - "Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences!" -cheers- the exact same topic in Pre-IB HL LOLOLOL. So it was basically just review and extension to what qa is learning :L i was the loner in the corner, again. but saw some people who i thought would never go there.... and the awkwardness of being in the same classroom....

btw, i might be playing wii again tonight. super mario bros is the bomb :D