Saturday, August 6, 2011

#77 - my wrist cracks

oh my goodness maths diagnostics on monday. I am going to die. But i can't resist the temptation of reading manga! Business exam on Thursday which takes up 40% of the term's mark, damn i want to get 100% but that's impossible T___T so, i have to start studying on the weekend -shiny eyes- and..what else, oh yea, english essay due on thursday too! what a co-incident ...coughcough and maths + physics IA/DCPCE due on tuesday, again, the same day =_=
but oh well~~ at least my pretty chill now, and then i'll probs get screwed over with all the stuff i havnt done in the week. :\

quitting kumon,
today, i'm going to die in ns, cause i'm going to be like the stupidest person in the class FML
it would be awkward.....hehehe -shifty eyes- hl maths! if i ever drop that subject, i'll......go to the a less graceful manner