Saturday, August 13, 2011

#81 - skipping away

R&B ♥ 

QA dance was pretty good, OMG i love lily's sexy dance ;D i swear her body was like "roll roll roll roll" hahahahaah. Totes persuading her to join bring it on next year. Thank youu soo much for those people who  organised this dance  :) Even though i cbfed going to the last dance, but i'm pretty sure last night's was the better one. After school, lily went to julie's house and melissa came to my house to get ready. i swear, our routine was like totally different, cause melissa and i just ate and took a shower. BUT julie and lily had a shower, then did their make up and julie did her hair and lily went and took selfies ;D kekekek. Then melissa and I walked to julie's house and then we left her house to go to the dance. We didn't end up getting the free food cause we only arrived after 6.  When we got in, it was kinda awkward cause the mood was kind of dead... but then everyone got really high and pumped up and it was a blast (partly cause the music was getting louder). i personally really liked the bubble machine :D only if it blew out bigger bubbles....then i could play with it hahahaha <- (immature) 

well, nearly a 2 hours after the dance, i realised that there were 3 jap people just standing their awkwardly so we went up and like attempted to talk to them and get them hyped up. And it kinda worked :3 It's so cute the way they dance and they're like so shy and stuff. 


p.s. sorry i had to colour in the whole sentence green because i like food and i like green too, but i didn't have the free food so i have to colour it green to make me feel a bit better....  :(