Monday, January 9, 2012


so i'm back, here in Australia
suffering in the heat with the rest of the population
while the weather remains...shit also, in taiwan

the night before my flight, we went to 尾牙

尾牙= the end of year celebration/event/dinner for businesses. 

and, since mum had to go and get her makeup done and get everything sorted at the venue
so i tagged along with some family friends.

uncle: oh you see that hot chic overthere?
me: where where??!!
uncle: look its there -points-
me: omg im only seeing her back
.... that mum?

sorry i forgot to bump the photos i took on her iphone to my touch
damn, i knew i forgot something -_-

it was unbelievable. 
no one could really recognize her because she had long hair 
obviously a wig.
it was so entertaining watching people perform.
first up:
dancing to 保佑 and this guy danced along dressed up in tight dress and high heels +extreme makeup
i nearly went blind, THE DRESS WENT ALL THE WAY UP TO HIPS
thank goodness he was wearing protective pants 
really reallly admire for his guts to get up on stage like that

but not just him
throughout the night
4 guys dressed up as girls
yeah adults are pretty immature and did the boob grabbing to each other
a pair had this REALLLY REALY FUNNY costume.
swan lake style, with swan neck sticking out from below the belly button, string tied to the swan's neck to their necks to hold up the head. Yeah, get the image? 
i'll try and get mum to send me the photos :L

time to cut down the fat
its my muscles 
muscles are supposedly heavier than fat?
it's fat 
i'll work hard and it'll go away T_T

p.s.  go watch beezlebub, its an ongoing anime/manga :D
pps waiting for my legend of zelda: skyward sword YAY (no intention of counting the days left of freedom)