Monday, April 23, 2012

i got lazy last night blogging about what happened on the day..
really lacking some quality posts  ( ≧Д≦)

early morning off to valley for workshop,
we had vocal sesh for the last half 
singing lion king
we're one great choir ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

got out of ec earlier 
HOPING that i can get to school in 1 hour.

it was really annoying having to carry school clothes and running up through park, oval and hill.
+ the day was bluuuuuuudddaee hot (in temperature).
saw wendy sitting by the BBQ table trying to reel in some btches ;D
saw some other people just casually hanging around with balloons..
would love to suck some helium anyday
then went and 'helped' out Mr A (for 1 hour) to do some corn chips challenge and coke/pepsi etcetc challenge..
so it was 20 mins into the touring help thing,
the class was pretty empty and so i sneaked over to the maths room and saw these qa students (tsk) playing 4p mariokart.
damn temptation, joined in the next game with MARIOOOO on auto.
was soo noob in the first lap, hitting onto the sides, hitting into blocks etc, all those beginner mistakes..
adaptation succeeded!
can drive on auto woot 
got thrown a blue shell 20m away from the finishing line -_- the heck..
from 12th place to 1st place,
didn't break the win streak, phew.
mini celebration with troliver (Y)

then quickly ran back to business, and seeing mr a looking at me and going tsk tsk.

i was in desperate need for cas service QQ

had lunch and went to northshore straight after.
sat down and saw the usual people,
4 people already seated and expecting mathias to be late..
oh wait, guess what.
there is another new student, lol never expected him to join us 
alright so we have 1 more..
"wait..wendy why are you here wth?"
okay, 2more
another one..
so three? locked in.

you wouldn't expect new students to come in because its an ib maths class..
i think precisely the HLs,
but i changed to SL and didnt tell northshore
huehuehue.. now i can ask the smarties 

did the least work out of my time at northshore =____=

thank goodness translink had 10trips and go free new thing.
5 bus journeys all free 
happy dance.

quality post? maybe not :\ 
are your eyes sore now?