Sunday, April 1, 2012

Summary of the week :D

since i've been slacking off this week,
this post will basically summarise my whole entire week of..

lets get going.

p for poker,
entire physics lesson dedicated to playing the game of blackjack.

a for awkward,
instep race where we have to carry people from one side to another?
shots pink for the house colour

I didn't even jog in the race for long because i couldn't be bothered to wear my knee brace thing. So damn i did walk this shhit. It's funny seeing the grade 10s run like crazy, but i guess i did the same thing last year too. (psht excuse my english, i can't type proper english unless its an essay or an analysis of a text 囧rz)


c for crafty,
albert getting creative on the thrash parade outfit + fred holding his belt that'll protect his virginity + william holding the damn tape, ready to get crafty

 Some other day
b for bazinga!
everything made sense,
surprised on how i got a B in business,
left two questions blank and lost so many marks on other questions
so in total, lost already like 15 marks tops
dunno what happened, but damn i need to write faster next time.

s for sharing
oh yes you has internet
me jelly
LOL seriously that kid needs to let me leech off his/her internet.

please use your presumed knowledge to work out what is happening within this photo.