Friday, January 31, 2014

Lack of update


Sunday, January 12, 2014

going outside and stuff

Back to my normal post genre!
I need to update on what I've been doing other than sleeping and playing dragon nest. I suppose this will be in chronological order mixed with some random side events.
When I came back from Aus, Vic and I went to Carindale shopping center to chill and shop (hopefully). Which we didnt really end up doing LOL we actually just ate and got lost.

Brunch @ Wagamama Carindale
We've never been here so we decided to give it a try.

I ordered a salad and felt like a horse/sheep from eating all these vegetables. 

After Brunch and some window shopping, we walked past this massage place and spontaneously decided to get a foot massage + foot bath lel. We used our medicare to cover it so only had to pay 5 or 10 bucks I can't remember off the top of my head. Yes my feet felt cleaner. Would recommend to get one every 17 year. 

Vic and I had a mini d&m session and I made her cry omg. Well not really. We ended up talking about uni and family etc and about the possibilities in the future. Can't avoid that so might as well just chill chat through it :(

After that, we went to Hogs Breath for afternoon tea (??) or dinner (??). Such weird schedule I know, we had all this at 3/4pm. It was yum of course and the chips were the best. 

That really concluded the day! Oh and I found another food photo but I can't remember what I did that day except for the fact that I shared this with my parents. Best scrambled eggs brisbane. My bacon still tastes better. Oh and I had a banana smoothie mmmmm yum. 

Fast forward to Christmas!

Only worked 3 days at sushi shop and one of my "co-workers" gifted everyone something :'D 
She's so nice!

Christmas Dinner with Neighbours

Pros of working at sushi shop -> heaps of left over free sushi to eat
Cons of working at sushi shop -> you get damn sick of eating and smelling sushi

The hottest day ever. Went and chilled at Mos Burgers for nearly 2 hours while eating chips and drinking grape sorbet #life

First time DFO with Victoria 9th of January 2014
Had to have brunch first of course. I forgot the name of the restaurant that we ate at Q__Q

Even though it wasn't my favourite type of bacon but it'll do. So damn full after eating all that.

We walked around once then decided to head back to garbo to chill. Bought some books, $3 each so I thought I should enrich myself with literature of some kind. The thing is, I don't even think I have the time and energy to read through a book atm :( Actually took a while for me to decide which books to buy, these three are obviously hand picked and I like the outline of the story. Can't stand the love/romance kind of books anymore, or the plot have to be really good or else I'd insta drop the book. 

Julie's Farewell dinner 10th January 2014
Since Julie is going to leave Australia to study at Shanghai, so she planned a dinner outing at Vapianos. We didn't end up eating there because there were too many people when we were still waiting on people who were running late -sharpens knife in the corner- 

We ended up going to Wara Wara.

After dinner, we went to play pool. I didn't play of course because I'm ubnub at it. 
Then we went and took sticker photos at Zoom. Julie's shout but she kept the photos.

I had my second driving lesson that day and I was napping an hour or two before the planned time. I overslept and made my instructor wait 5 mins for me Q__Q I have failed. We drove to Eight Mile bus station and I legged it to Nominom for my job interview. That 5 minute I'll never get back. That 5 minute that pushed my time schedule back. That 5 minute that the froyo shop owner had to wait for me. GUHHHHHH. but I was guaranteed a position.

I'll talk more about this in detail in another post, later. 

12th January 2014
3rd driving lesson today. 
So I signed up for the keys2drive program. Had dad sit behind me and listen to my instructor explain some things he should look out for when I'm behind the wheels ;D
Obviously safety first.
He complimented me and I'm so beeping happy omg compliments from asian parents are so rare and happens only once in a century. 
For ya'll people who've seen my dad drive or been in his car.. you'd know that he's a really good driver. Not to mention, grandpa had every single type of driving licence in Taiwan. Including license for ordinary light vehicles, large truck, large passenger vehicle (bus), container truck and motorcycle. 

I went on the freeway today biatches :D
and I have a tendency to go over the speed limit #2fast4u #nekminspeedticket #cantpasstest

After the lesson ended, dad invited me to go eat at Meet Fresh. Haven't been out in public for 4 days so I thought "why not?". 

Parents out for 5/6 days. Intended to stay at home and do whatever I want but ended up having 5 days scheduled. 3 days of work, 1 day with Julie and Vic and 1 day at Lifeline bookfest *___*

Till next time!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2013 Review

(Thinking that this post will improve my mental stability)

Looking back on 2013 

  • 1:What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
  • I failed at every single attempt at pulling an all nighter in 2013. I would eventually fall asleep sometime in the night....
  • 2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
  • I didn't have a new year resolution for 2013. Why? Because why make annual resolutions when you can spontaneously and frequently decide to better yourself in a shorter span of time. #efficiency
  • And no I will not make more for next year. I might change my mind in the future who knows. I might jump on the bandwagon.
  • 3:Did anyone close to you give birth?
  • No.. but my aunty did give birth to a baby girl. New cousin. It's been almost 2 months and I still haven't seen her. WHAT IS THIS.
  • 4:Did anyone close to you die?
  • No.
  • 5:What countries did you visit?
  • Taiwan
  • 6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
  • I'd like to have a social life. Just a bit though, I'm not sure if I can handle a jam packed social life. I need me time. I'd like to have money too hahahahhha and happiness yes how could I forget about that.
  • 7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
  • There are just so many things. Great year. Thanks 2013
  • 8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
  • Completed the IB program. End of story. 
  • 9:What was your biggest failure?
  • Not getting an A for Mando EE. Meaning that I, along with some people, broke the academy's mando EE record. Sincere apologies Mr Leong. I am actually thinking to visit smt and apologise in person. -sighs-
  • 10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
  • Uhh does the eye allergy count? That felt terrible, worse than getting the flu.
  • 11:What was the best thing you bought?
  • 12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
  • Weirdly phrased question. 
  • 13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
  • Makes a little  more sense than the last question.
  • Sorry I don't recall for both questions.
  • 14:Where did most of your money go?
  • Food/taobao
  • 15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
  • I got really really really excited about playing dragon nest because I couldn't play any mmo in Taiwan when I really needed to. I didn't even get really really really excited about finishing IB or graduating. I just felt "effing done" with IB and neutral about graduating. I COULD SEE MY FUTURE AFTER GRADUATING I SHT YOU NOT.
  • 16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
  • Epik High ft. Dumbfoundead & MYK - Maze
  • 17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
  • Um let's pretend I'm still in 2013.
  • I'm happier, fatter, richer.
  • HAHAHHA I sound like a middle/old age man.
  • 18:What do you wish you’d done more of?
  • Studying. Figuring out the most effective study method for myself.
  • I wish I danced more too. 
  • 19:What do you wish you’d done less of?
  • Procrastinating. I can't exactly put youtube as one of the things I wish I did less of because I don't regret spending time on youtube at all. I think I procrastinated way too much until 2-3 months leading up to my final exam. I really just couldnt get into it :/
  • 20:How did you spend Christmas?
  • Had work on the 24th so I came home exhausted. Had neighbours over for dinner but I slipped out earlier and played dragon nest in my room. On the 25th, I continued playing dragon nest and that's all I remember.
  • 21:Did you fall in love in 2013?
  • Well, shit yeah. 
  • 22:What was your favourite TV program?
  • Doctor who.
  • -nervously thinks about the other tv programs that I adore-
  • 23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
  • No.
  • 24:What was the best book you read?
  • 50 shades of shut the beep up. Nah I like mother courage. hahahahahahaha jokes.
  • 25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
  • What does musical discovery mean? Though I did find chill/casual music being my best mate all year round. And I got rid of the kpop obsession I had since grade 8. 
  • 26:What did you want and get?
  • I wanted to get a new laptop and I did :)
  • 27:What did you want and not get?
  • To travel to america or europe for a vacation. I didn't actually mention it to anyone. It was a thought and desire.
  • 28:What was your favourite film of this year?
  • Pacific Rim
  • 29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
  • Finishing IB I guess. 
  • 30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
  • -laughs- personal fashion concept? School uniform reppin
  • 31:What kept you sane?
  • music, to a certain extent.
  • 32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
  • Hyorin/hyolyn 
  • She's so amazing I love her.
  • 33:What political issue stirred you the most?
  • I'm so mad at politics in 2013. What the honest fuck is wrong with politicians in 2013. Taiwanese ones in specific. Oh wait they're already nuts since establishment. ha-ha-ha. As for Australian politics, I can feel it crumbling on the inside. Sweet looking, but rotten on the inside. 
  • Excuse my language. 
  • 34:Who did you miss?
  • Mother 
  • 35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
  • Emotions suck.
  • 36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"so we bounce back, every single time, speak the truth to crush any little lie" 

Frustration outlets no.1

My life is so dramatic right now.

Not giving a single damn

That's why I'm not blogging as much because life is taking over and I can't slow down and spend time to get some deep thoughts going through my head. To be honest I just want to sit in my room all day etc but no nope I've got other duties and what not. Is this my harsh reality? I'm struggling to handle everything and make everyone happy at the same time. Yet there are still opportunities arising that may benefit me in the future and I'm afraid that if I take this, I lose another. Oh and there's also time. Time, you moron. Time is my biggest fear and enemy right now.

I also made one of the biggest decision yet. I know I'm not mentally capable for something so wonderful as such at this point in time. It's a luxury. Either way, disappointments will arise and it did as expected. Made me feel shittier too. These piling emotions with different things in life just stack up one by one. Where are the days, the days where I just "study" and attempt to socialise with friends. Now I don't even think 24 hours a day, 7 days in a week is enough for me to comfortably fit everything in place whilst being moderately sane and not looking like just got punched in the face the night before.

I cannot even give a damn caring about my IB score right now. The number tells me whether or not I can get into the course I want and it sure did. I'm content, not happy. Content that I would make into the course, not happy because it was lower than I expected but I don't give a bum right now just get over it. Now my parents are making a big deal about how they're going to tell anyone who asks them. It's like.. "m8 it's none of their beezwax just say that maggie is content with her score". Why must they feel obligated and more stressed than me. Wait, no, that makes perfect sense. But why point fingers at me, there's no point. I can't go back in time and redo my exams. Even if I did, I'd still get into the course, but make everyone and myself happier. Definitely not worth the time travel and effort to be honest. Why is there a need to reinforce the shittiness, everyone has feelings and can be iron hearted. Just get over it. Move on.

I've been so caught up with life that I legit did not check youtube for 3 days straight and I most definitely missed out on a lot of videos :(
Ughhh can life just stop and wait for me.
I'm lagging here, almost not responding.
I just want solitude and peace :(