Sunday, January 12, 2014

going outside and stuff

Back to my normal post genre!
I need to update on what I've been doing other than sleeping and playing dragon nest. I suppose this will be in chronological order mixed with some random side events.
When I came back from Aus, Vic and I went to Carindale shopping center to chill and shop (hopefully). Which we didnt really end up doing LOL we actually just ate and got lost.

Brunch @ Wagamama Carindale
We've never been here so we decided to give it a try.

I ordered a salad and felt like a horse/sheep from eating all these vegetables. 

After Brunch and some window shopping, we walked past this massage place and spontaneously decided to get a foot massage + foot bath lel. We used our medicare to cover it so only had to pay 5 or 10 bucks I can't remember off the top of my head. Yes my feet felt cleaner. Would recommend to get one every 17 year. 

Vic and I had a mini d&m session and I made her cry omg. Well not really. We ended up talking about uni and family etc and about the possibilities in the future. Can't avoid that so might as well just chill chat through it :(

After that, we went to Hogs Breath for afternoon tea (??) or dinner (??). Such weird schedule I know, we had all this at 3/4pm. It was yum of course and the chips were the best. 

That really concluded the day! Oh and I found another food photo but I can't remember what I did that day except for the fact that I shared this with my parents. Best scrambled eggs brisbane. My bacon still tastes better. Oh and I had a banana smoothie mmmmm yum. 

Fast forward to Christmas!

Only worked 3 days at sushi shop and one of my "co-workers" gifted everyone something :'D 
She's so nice!

Christmas Dinner with Neighbours

Pros of working at sushi shop -> heaps of left over free sushi to eat
Cons of working at sushi shop -> you get damn sick of eating and smelling sushi

The hottest day ever. Went and chilled at Mos Burgers for nearly 2 hours while eating chips and drinking grape sorbet #life

First time DFO with Victoria 9th of January 2014
Had to have brunch first of course. I forgot the name of the restaurant that we ate at Q__Q

Even though it wasn't my favourite type of bacon but it'll do. So damn full after eating all that.

We walked around once then decided to head back to garbo to chill. Bought some books, $3 each so I thought I should enrich myself with literature of some kind. The thing is, I don't even think I have the time and energy to read through a book atm :( Actually took a while for me to decide which books to buy, these three are obviously hand picked and I like the outline of the story. Can't stand the love/romance kind of books anymore, or the plot have to be really good or else I'd insta drop the book. 

Julie's Farewell dinner 10th January 2014
Since Julie is going to leave Australia to study at Shanghai, so she planned a dinner outing at Vapianos. We didn't end up eating there because there were too many people when we were still waiting on people who were running late -sharpens knife in the corner- 

We ended up going to Wara Wara.

After dinner, we went to play pool. I didn't play of course because I'm ubnub at it. 
Then we went and took sticker photos at Zoom. Julie's shout but she kept the photos.

I had my second driving lesson that day and I was napping an hour or two before the planned time. I overslept and made my instructor wait 5 mins for me Q__Q I have failed. We drove to Eight Mile bus station and I legged it to Nominom for my job interview. That 5 minute I'll never get back. That 5 minute that pushed my time schedule back. That 5 minute that the froyo shop owner had to wait for me. GUHHHHHH. but I was guaranteed a position.

I'll talk more about this in detail in another post, later. 

12th January 2014
3rd driving lesson today. 
So I signed up for the keys2drive program. Had dad sit behind me and listen to my instructor explain some things he should look out for when I'm behind the wheels ;D
Obviously safety first.
He complimented me and I'm so beeping happy omg compliments from asian parents are so rare and happens only once in a century. 
For ya'll people who've seen my dad drive or been in his car.. you'd know that he's a really good driver. Not to mention, grandpa had every single type of driving licence in Taiwan. Including license for ordinary light vehicles, large truck, large passenger vehicle (bus), container truck and motorcycle. 

I went on the freeway today biatches :D
and I have a tendency to go over the speed limit #2fast4u #nekminspeedticket #cantpasstest

After the lesson ended, dad invited me to go eat at Meet Fresh. Haven't been out in public for 4 days so I thought "why not?". 

Parents out for 5/6 days. Intended to stay at home and do whatever I want but ended up having 5 days scheduled. 3 days of work, 1 day with Julie and Vic and 1 day at Lifeline bookfest *___*

Till next time!