Wednesday, April 13, 2011


W e d         1 3 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 1


guess what?
i didnt die in kumon yesterday :D
i thought i would because the supervisor was extremely 'concerned' with the work i need to catch up :O
and so
i thought she might half rage at me or something on tuesday arvo
SO, i asked for more homework
and then she looked so happy, and nice and smiley, so.....>_>
hahahahahahahahaha I better finish it.....

Our class were told specifically not to wear CAS stuff, cause we have this ..SET PLAN sht
in OCC, which was supposed to be something active, we did our SET PLAN
it was an online thing and so we just do it individually,
it didnt work out right
we started to chat........
LOLOLOLOL our convo was sooooo awkward
guy side of view of course .

from....... years of study->medical-> obstetricians -> money -> birth -> death -> responsibility -> case studies about responsibility of death -> case studies about family and friends's blahs -> superstitions relating to what you shouldnt do when you're pregnant -> superstition relating to why you MUST bow to your mando teachers -> respect -> japanese lvls of bowing -> korean bowing -> ......obstetricians.... 

that was a 50min convo that took up most of our lesson (Y)


me: so thats why i need 25$ :D
dad: thats reasonable... -takes out wallet-
me: -shiny eyes-
dad: how much was it again?
me: 25$ :D
dad: i'm your atm
me: yes hahahah
dad: please insert password -reaches out hands-
me: ^^'' -randomly pressing his fingers-
dad: please insert amount of money 
me: ......haha-presses the second finger, then the 5th, then the palm-
dad: -reaches out and takes 25$ out of the wallet-
me: thanksssss
dad: :'|
me: can i have the receipt please :D