Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rainbow shooting out of its ass, this cat is insane :P

Have fun

I cant believe im sitting here, still trying to finish the mando speech after 2 hrs of....just sitting there and google-ing info about CHINA and st00f -_- most of them are all negative, but i cant use negative things otherwise i'll get owned by the judges=3= ONLY if the judges were Taiwanese, then i would totes give some awesome speech about taiwan not belonging to china, and china government is evil...........

Im so sleeeeepy
OH yhu know, i forgot my capsule yesterday FML
now im going to die jks

Monday is labour day:D
so happy, it means less stress sort of...but i guess because its QA so more homework is expected for the week effness.
eff english i hate it, its so boring i can honestly sleep, but i cant cause she'll get pissed.. Mymemory is still sheeeeet-_-#
waiting for my long weekend and memorising speech and sheeeeeeeet :D