Friday, April 8, 2011

Free Dress Day

i'm listening to my neighbour's party music and actually wanting to sleep anyway
they're pree loud but they 'warned' us, which was goood, otherwise wtf
that was pros, cons was that they finish at 1 am
wtf i need to sleep, i'm tired atm already

hahahahaha i wore the randomest clothes today,
moderately suitable for bring it on training

when i first woke up,
i was like omg YES rain
and then i remembered that i'm wearing my beloved shoes
so then i was depressed, for only 2 seconds of course.

smt timetable fri
1st lesson - Business management - boring.....~_~ felt like sleeping
2nd lesson - Psychology - OH MY GAWD so much things to remember about biological level of analysis and hormones and glands and i need to study already....
3rd lesson - Maths - diagnostic test on factorization, it was extremely easy i guess....maybe cause i did it in kumon for like....5months LOLOLOLOL
4th lesson - English - arh finishing off the wiki, and our group had half of the people away, so we had to just finish it off for the class to put 'valuable' comments below...about 1930 American Great Depression? haha

omg the training was justso....rewarding
watching guys do their choreo
and scanning for abs LOL
perverting much XD

but honestly its sooooo....

but school at the same time
cause most of the guys have some sort of abs whether its just faint or something....
but its cooool! to even have the outline of it on ur stomach!
remember my goal folks?