Monday, April 4, 2011


 2011 4 2 SAT
 Oh my gooooodness i watched black swan and i'm still recovering from shock...
it is sooo weird and demented that i feel absolutely scarred and sick of it....
but i guess black swan is pretty good, but its so realistic that it scares me
makes me think that there is actually someone that acts like her............
i didnt watch the whole thing, i covered my eyes at those scary blood scenes and stabbing and etcetc
it was too .... weird and gross
so i hid behind my english novel (Y)
it was much more interesting :L:L:L
i dont know if i like the movie but i think its fine. ......its just that ...its disturbing..

 2011 4 3    SUN
GoMA day :D

lily,melissa,betty and me XD

Visited goma, looked around and fooled around~
was fascinated by some large artworks.
it was speciall
but we imagined it to be bigger....
slq was normal, it was quiet and peaceful (Y)
we bought lollies at southbank!! :D:D:D:D:D
sugar rush!
so yummmy and chilled in city~
grass jelly with milk $5
totally worth it
hazel is like $4.50 but not as good