Sunday, June 17, 2012

oh my gosh this all makes sense now

i was just going around and watching videos and just got to illuminati related videos,
heard about it on facebook when someone mentioned and linked vids of rihanna's umbrella backwards illuminati and so on.

some people dont think its true, but after all this secondary researching i've done on this ..
it's creepy to say that it's true... D: D: D: WHUT

watched these analysis videos on what illuminati possibly is and comparison with music videos and celebrity interviews.. link.
where they all say 'i sold my soul to the devil'
where tupac named his album The Don Killuminati.
he died shortly after the album was finished.

i mean, listen to eminem's not afraid,
listen closely... 
whut the eff it makes sense.

Michael Jackson says it all

sportsmen such as kobe bryant, lebron james etc have also most likely sold their soul to the devil
to see how far people would go to have fame and money

thinking to do the EE topic on this maybe?