Sunday, June 17, 2012


decent post tonight/this morning.

So last night was the bio fambam dinner at shabuhouse. 
You'll be surprised at how many restaurants we've previously thought of...

china house, shangrila, hanwoori, sunny seoul, little singapore and midam.
It was a chaos in trying to decide on which one to go, considering that we have a relatively large group (around 24) so we need to book, just in case. Anyway, we settled down to hanwoori and shabuhouse because they're both located in the city and are more suitable for those who don't live at south brisbane.

surprisingly, this was the result. So I rang up the restaurant and booked for the group. The person who picked up was like, so order for 27 people ?! LOL that was estimate amount but then some people couldnt turn up. All good. 

We met at city around 6:15pm and we had some late comers so we just stood their starving ourselves to death. Since the food was 'all - you - can - eat', having an Asian mind, most of us didn't eat much the whole day. 

I dont know how the group can be so antisocial (damn this is coming from an antisocial person), break it up guise, stop sitting in year levels, grade 10s and 11s need to mix up yeah? that's why corey, victoria, jessica and I came and join the grade 10s. 

here are the rest of the year 11s lookin gooood aye, except for ..yeah HHHA
corey still in his school uniform but with a jacket on. der eff. but couldn't tell at first :L

finally had everything settled. Ready to go get some food :D
there were heaps of people there already so the meat went out quickly QQ 
but there were sushi etc so it's still all good 

as you could see from the photo above.
oh my lord food yes. 

not just me but we're all excited HAHHA
should see how much whinging there were when we were waiting for the late comers.

omg this one was so cute 
clara - being her usual cute self
caleb - being his usual indie self
oliver - being his usual 傻 self

they cute.
nuff said

(check out my intense eating/ stuffing sushi down in one bite moment)

last photo to end off the post with not much content because it's all just eat eat eat.
gotta eat things worth more than $30 !! therefore intense eating at all times

aw wait.. content at the end... most important *

they're such cuties, the bio fambam secretly organised to give the leaders presents. Their cute speeches made us leaders go all like awww :') 

damn these kids <3

afterwards, we all got free drinks and some people didnt take them so there were like 7+ full glasses of coke/sprite. Then, out of the blue, josiah and I decided to take it all down. LOL LEGGO DRINK IT ALL! After one glass, ollie wolly border collie joined in and we all took down another glass in 2 or 3 breaks. After the 3rd one, i legit had to release the bubbleness in my throat loool but it was a small burp LOL border collie spit his drink out accidentally because it was so funny just looking at each other frantically trying to drink all of them before everyone finishes paying for the bill.