Sunday, June 3, 2012

this boy who I sat next to in class asked me..
"why do you cross off the dates on your diary?"

I didn't know what to answer,  
because that's just what most people do.

"Look, instead of crossing off those dates, I tick them off"

Everyday is an accomplishment, not a countdown to how many days are left in the year.
then I realised that I should treat each day as a gift, not one of those days that I am forced to live through.

Yet, I still cross off dates on my calender.
I guess habits just don't change, 
but my mindset has.

Make everyday awesome and filled with food and joy ...wait but food=joy...
Maybe today, is the day that you'll still remember in years time.. 

Why am I so inspirational today? Let's get sht finished! YEAAAHHHHH!!

bluuuudy iop on thursday, 
15mins after iop is then mandarin oral...
fyi, IOP stands for Individual Oral Presentation.
counts directly towards the final IB score and will be a nightmare if I get Ms Ph****t as my examiner fml.
my life will be miserable...
for 5 seconds..
then start preparing for mando oral in 15minutes
then rush home and study for maths on Friday