Friday, December 30, 2011


watching this jap food show and its introducing the awesome making of spaghetti but they also ask questions about the ingredients. And one of the 'did-you-know' thing was that there was a case for which the businessman claims that tomatoes were fruits simply because no extra fees were needed when fruits are exported/imported. The funniest did-you-know thing was that there was a movie based on tomatoes. Attack of the killer tomato
they showed parts of the movie and it was hilarious. you see this human sized tomato rolling towards humans and the people will fall and somehow get squished(??) and die ROFL and there's also this gigantic tomato wearing earmuffs and this couple screaming their heads off. HAHAHAHHA i'd like to watch the whole movie one day :L
oh this other interesting thing...a warship successfully taunted the other warship by firing cheese at them.
TKEWJLJLSKDV HAHHAHA the thing is, the other warship wasn't sure what was being fired at them so they moved away. 

p.s. successfully obtained ipod touch :D 1/2 complete
the only reason behind getting ipod touch instead of iphone 4s is because i want a sexier phone and its also out of stock :| nevermind i'll wait for iphone 5 and then probably wait again for the other one and so on ;___; nah jokes i don't know

Thursday, December 29, 2011

boredom level 10000

stolen from wikipediahh 

1. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?

2. what on your body is hurting or bothering you?
heel and knee

3. what was your last thought before going to bed last night?
"56sheep...57 sheep. 58 sheep..."

4. what are you listening to?
the one that got away - katy perry....peri chicken :D

5. what’s something you’re not looking forward to?
starting business IA

6. where do you think your best friend is right now?
i'm at home 

7. have you kissed anybody in the last five days?
yes, goodbye kiss to my dad 

8. sex on the first date?

9. kiss on the first date?

10. is there one person you want to be with right now?

11. are you seriously happy with where you are in life?

12. is there something you would like to say to someone?

13. what are three things you did today?
the usuals + choreographed + eat

14. would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
have them over

15. what is your favorite kind of gum?
the ones that last, or those uber fresh ones 

16. are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?
i think so :|

17. what is on your wrists right now?

18. ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
yes i'll even tell you his name, its Kim Soo-Hyun  linklinklinklink

19. does anyone have strong feelings for you?
don't know

20. are you slowly drifting away from someone?
my old friends ;__;

21. have you ever wasted your time on someone?
hopefully not

22. can you do the alphabet in sign language?

23. how have you felt today?

24. you receive $60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
save it, so i can buy something better in the future :D

25. what is wrong with you right now?
i dont know 

26. is there anyone you’re really disappointed in?
i dont remember

27. would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now?
don't care, any

28. what OCD do you have?
.........cant think of any now but i have a few :P

29. how late did you stay up last night and why?
1am because my laptop ran out of battery

30. when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
i talked to myself just then ..

31. what were you doing an hour ago?

32. what are you looking forward to in the next month?
being back at home, on mariokart wfc

33. are you wearing jeans right now?

34. are you a patient person?

35. do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?
yeah i did 

36. favorite color?
GREEEEN , light green, bright green

37. did you have a dream last night?
this morning i did

38. are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?

39. if someone could be calling you right now, who would you want it to be?
hmmm someone that'll tell me  i've legit won the lottery

40. do you love anyone?
yes my family and friends 

41. if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
tell me now

42. do you like meeting new people?

43. are you afraid of falling in love?
kind of

44. ever liked someone older than you?

45. has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?

46. have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
all the time, but that was the past


A"Farmers": Calm, obeys rules, values relationships with others, very sensitive, cautious and careful.

Advantages: Obedient, careful, sympathetic, empathetic, self-sacrificing, polite, studious, disciplined, outwardly serious, willing to compromise, honest, loyal.

Disadvantages: Worries a lot, hesitant to express emotion, internally emotional, weak-willed, taciturn, stoic, indecisive, introverted, anti-social, wishy-washy, nervous, detached.

The most common blood-type among Japanese.


B"Hunters": Does things at his or her own pace, strong personality, optimistic, easy to get along with, adventurous.

Advantages: Cheerful, outgoing, exuberant, optimistic, adventurous, active, sensitive, kind.

Disadvantages: Forgetful, undecided, disorganized, noisy, spontaneous, prone to exaggeration, inclined toward dabbling in many areas although not focusing too heavily on any single thing.


AB"Humanists": Well aware of his or her surrounding environment, hates instinctive feelings, critical, never takes things to the limit or to the best of his or her ability, tries to be useful to other people.

Advantages: Sensitive, proud, diplomatic, discriminating, easy-going, sympathetic, efficient, delicate, considerate, learns quickly.

Disadvantages: Short-tempered, complains, dependent, moody, brooding, strict and serious with themselves.


O"Warriors": Strong sense of purpose, romantic, influenced by peers, good at organizing activities, very proud.

Advantages: Confident, strong-willed, judgemental, dedicated, strong-willed, self-deterministic.

Disadvantages: Workaholic, insecure, emotional, stubborn, uncompromising, cold personality, over-confident, self-centered.

The most common blood-type among Americans.

im bloodtype B and im not going to lie..the disadvantages are true :|

full time pringle

i went shopping alone today :'D
tis was quite awkward. yep, being alone with myself is awkward
my mother kindly sponsored me on my shopping spree and dropped me off at the mall.
i was there at the strangest hour for someone around my age but luckily(??) no one questioned.
or did they....
yeah one did, 

Her: What grade are you in?
Me: uhhh, high school first year 15years old
Her: Wa! So 幼齒*

*幼齒[in taiwanese: yu-ki] : person of a young age, under 18

moving on.
while i was strolling around the floors, i couldn't help but sing
''.....i walk a lonely roaadd..................i walk alone...i walk alone ;____;""
but then buying stuff was easier and quicker so there are both pros and cons 
i went to the bookshop, where all the loners were and successfully camouflaged in the bookshop
then i bought 3 books and a notebook package that'll hopefully help me organise my time better.
since i've lost some connection with my friends this year because i lacked time management in completing school work...i miss you guys don't leave meee uhhahuahuhuhu lol i wish all my redeemer friends went to qa
so this is one of the books , ahem...sorry guys i lied, its a comic book. its about blood types and stuff~ real good, i rate it 5/5, 10/10, 100/100 ok? which means its hilarious and kind of true. I was gifted the first book sometime this year or last year, thankfully RealCrazyMan drew a second book to it !! :D

the other one was about powerpoints. ok i got that judgemental look from you :L but its cool as, there are so many things that can make your ppt look much more professional and sexy. so everyone will drool over your powerpoint if they think your presentation is shit. yup

and the last book? btch please, this book will teach me how to read 60 pages in one minute :L its going it teach me how to develop photo reading skills. 

me with sunglasses
to end the post and leave you with a fanabulous nightmare.

btw. i did buy clothes but not much. disappointed

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

周杰倫世界未末日《杰威爾官方》Jay Chou "Not The End Of The World" Official MV

just came out 4 minutes ago EWTWBJSDLE just watch it even if you dont get mando. in the mv, everyone was just told that a meteoroid(that will cause a fatal impact) will be hitting the earth in 8 hours and everyone should cherish the time and say goodbye to their loved ones. But in the end, they manage to survive. The last few sentences say..
"did we all dream of the same thing?"
"don't wait till the end of the world, cherish what you have now"

first time

i mean, look at those gaps between the photos, i suck at this ;___; 
its so fun shaking my head side to side now
cause the fringe moves around hehhehe

btw, that was the national geographic channel. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

confession: I've only washed my hair once in taiwan, the rest was done by hairdressers. Yep, it's pretty cheap too, like $5 :D damn my fringe is uber short like box fringe, hehe it'll grow out soon so i can stop fooling people with my innocent appearance.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

making many posts today to make up for the missing ones

Merry Christmas everyone!
please don't forget that today is the birth* of Jesus Christ. Heaps of people are forgetting about this and getting hyped up for presents and stuff, that's fine but just keep it in mind :) I do hope that everyone stays healthy and happy and joyful :D i wish people stop animal abuse, as in, don't torture them. but the thing is..i do like eating chicken and beef etc so..-_-

i like jj lin for his music, regardless of the rumors and crap 

Last night we went and had ginger duck in hot pot with some of my dad's close friends. i have to say that it was pretty good. And whoa, this guy changed a lot. He's my dad's friend's son and omg so tall. like 180+ freggin skinny, my stepmum thinks he's a flowery handsome guy [cause he's kind of white]. Last year he looked sort of nerdy but this year. totally different. Stepmum asked him if there are any girls going for him and he said that they're all dinosaur chicks [trans: girls with ugly appearance]. then everyone laughed and told him that his standards are too high ROFL anyway, 悶騷啦! =____= those type of people are like so hard to talk to!

afterwards we went to the beer place and had moar food. then his older bro came and my dad's other friend's oldest son came with his gf. dad started getting overly joyful and starting inviting under aged children to try out german beer. tall guy's taller bro had a bit and turned red LOL tsk tsk. and the tall guy tried had a bit more. then it was my turn [OS: sht....] but tbh it was actually really nice :D i drank about one whole mug of beer, so good. then we just kept drinking and talking :L

tonight we went to eat jap food :D tis was nice.  currently getting trained to be immune to alcohol :D which means im getting fed different types of alcohol so i can stay 'safe' in the future. hoho.

btw merry christmas

at the nightmarket

Stranger thats handing out balloons: (hands balloon to my dad)
Dad: thank you
Stranger: Merry christmas!
Me: (to stepmum) why does it have to be bright pink? -_-
Dad: (holds it next to his face and tries to make a cute expression) Suit me?
Me: that's it, hand the balloon over. I'll hold it = =

thanks dad, for being an entertainment for 5 other strangers

get to know me

與白羊相戀須知:1.很慢熱,我很冷漠  2.很直接,討厭轉彎 3.不喜歡說話,也不喜歡你太吵 4.喜歡自由的感覺,討厭囉嗦 5.心智很成熟,看事很透徹 6. 很絕 7.需要行動證明愛我。








Saturday, December 24, 2011

dad: where's the kalikali (night market snack)
me: i ate it 
dad: fuck

when i go out to eat in taiwan

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

so jelly of her improvisation skills @@ congrats on her winning for smr00's piano comp!! :D

going down south for the next few days

Sunday, December 18, 2011

herro there
i is at danshui atm eavesdropping on the adults talking about random things :) funnier because the people at the restaurant are also eavesdropping on their interesting convo...and since most of the adults are lacking the ability to filter out inappropriate language...

Dad: i am married to an outsider!
restaurant workers: (looks at dad)
Dad: HEY YOU! What are you looking at, stop looking am I that good looking?
restaurant workers: (laugh)
Dad: Stop it!


last night's dinner was really awkward and weird. we ate with strangers on the same table and it was my first time experiencing this type of awkward situation. -___- we were practically facing them and so it was hard not to look, probably thought i was a paedophilic starer.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

finished watching it and i didn't scratch myself at all but it gave me chills (only on human related photoes) -_- 

there's been some awkward times for me when i'm out of the house. Two days ago, I went to the convenient store down the street and bought some snacks to eat. The checkout person asked me if i wanted a bag.
Because i have been intensely talking to myself in english so i couldn't change into mando-mode... and I just said 'yeah'. After all those years thinking that the general population knows what yeah and i see means...I NO LONGER DO. Yeah, then she replied in mando, 'ok, no bag'. the time when i felt like doing a dramatic facepalm + kneel...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

After spending 4 days sitting at home watching television.....i've finally visited the mall *0* we went to eat 豬血湯 oh dear lord the most delicious soup in der whole world! it's like...pig's blood ..heh.heh.heh.

well then we went to this golf practice place where they have like two floors and they just practice their swings and stuff. so we were actually waiting for this shop there to open so we can repair some equipments...but we were too lazy to wait for it to open so we just left -_- speaking of golf, YANI TSENG is super awesome! :D im sew proud of her -tears- my fam respects her heaps cause of her skills and omg achievements ^____^

then FINALLY, we got to Sogo and started looking around and sniffing for cheap stuff. the first floor was like all shoes and stuff, so i thought maybe i should get something since i have basically 1 pair of womanly shoes. so yeah, got some high heels. ;D at first, stepmum was like "OHH ARE YOU SURE? CAN YOU WALK WITH IT?" but then psht of course i can walk on this because its only like 5-6cm heel =____= well then my dad came along and was like "WHOA YOU'RE TALLER THAN ME =______= ....are you sure you want to buy this? go run around in these heels and then i'll let you buy it" utterly then i ran and skipped around the first floor in heels and successfully obtained the pair of shoes. i dont think they remember that i have actually danced in high heels before .____. 

afterwards, we went to this clothes brand section which i cant remember what the name was...and the lady thought i was tall and stuff (heh. im not tall in australia). She's so good at doing her job, she was practically throwing compliments at me every minute LOL NICE TRY BUT I AINT BELIEVIN' YA :D but yeah she's got some good sale results for the month. Then we charged off to UNIQLO to buy MOAR clothes and stuff. jap clothes and stooooooof YEAH! 

Dream high time!