Friday, December 9, 2011

feeling super nervous now wth..i am supposed to be uber excited and jumping around the house but no. i am still sitting on my ass watching anime. probably because there's going to be heaps of get togethers (not with my friends [cause i have non, loner], but with my dad's friends and their offsprings) =______= yea offsprings. last time i spent the whole afternoon talking with the mums while the people of the same age as me went and played cards. noo fair why arnt there any girls -___- 
off topic but...
i hate it when sometimes on dramas and crap, they have scenes where someone is looking at a photo and acting all emotional and devo. like seriously? why don't you show me the photo? i want to see the photo too! are you just going to show me the back of the photo? i do i know whats on the photo if you're not showing me. jeez.

回台灣的時候要找我出去玩喔! T___T 要宅也要找我喔!!在非死上面留言給我...

this time im determined to fish some goodies and ship them back to australia...
whooahhhhoohohoho.. >:D