Sunday, December 4, 2011

her voice is soo ESKJELJTSDJGLS good

5 days left till taiwan 
can't wait! ready to pack some air into my suitcase and bring back tonnes of food and random crap :L 
victoria, melissa and I went and chilled kekekke. We went to southbank first and looked around the sunday market. Victoria is considered to be very 'stoney', or 'gem stoney',  looking at stone-like stuff and commenting on how fabulous it is :D WELL, then we hung out in the lolly shop looking for some decent valuable candy. So victoria and I bought the icecream thingo that looks like small rocks LOLOL STONEY. there were like 3 jap girls and they bought like 10ish packets of coloured popcorns and other gecko lolly and stuff. Anyway, then we decided to walk to city and eat madtongsan. we were like eating one knew that we were half eavesdropping on the neighboring table. couldn't help it. They were obviously mando speakers but the content of their conversation was really demented and retarded. our faces -> (=___=|||||) they were talking about how couples should rent an apartment or flat and live together, sleep together. and if they're not, then they obviously don't love each other enough.... i really wanted to say

quit the bullcrapping btch

well then we finished our meal and then we saw chung and elaine still eating near the exit/entrance. I thought i was hallucinating when i heard some voice call my name. HHAHHAHAHA...then we went to funhouse -_- yes...i have been weakened D: i can no longer last till third stage SAD FACE ETJWLKGJSDLNSLKVDSJLKEWMFVLSKEJVLKEJW. But i did, break the record for hammer2...submitted as ICETEA and its currently in first place. hohoho, but im sure some noob will be better than me at that ;D vic and i decided to try out the water shooting game next to bball machine. 99points!! HAHHAHA i feel so lame ==