Sunday, December 25, 2011

making many posts today to make up for the missing ones

Merry Christmas everyone!
please don't forget that today is the birth* of Jesus Christ. Heaps of people are forgetting about this and getting hyped up for presents and stuff, that's fine but just keep it in mind :) I do hope that everyone stays healthy and happy and joyful :D i wish people stop animal abuse, as in, don't torture them. but the thing is..i do like eating chicken and beef etc so..-_-

i like jj lin for his music, regardless of the rumors and crap 

Last night we went and had ginger duck in hot pot with some of my dad's close friends. i have to say that it was pretty good. And whoa, this guy changed a lot. He's my dad's friend's son and omg so tall. like 180+ freggin skinny, my stepmum thinks he's a flowery handsome guy [cause he's kind of white]. Last year he looked sort of nerdy but this year. totally different. Stepmum asked him if there are any girls going for him and he said that they're all dinosaur chicks [trans: girls with ugly appearance]. then everyone laughed and told him that his standards are too high ROFL anyway, 悶騷啦! =____= those type of people are like so hard to talk to!

afterwards we went to the beer place and had moar food. then his older bro came and my dad's other friend's oldest son came with his gf. dad started getting overly joyful and starting inviting under aged children to try out german beer. tall guy's taller bro had a bit and turned red LOL tsk tsk. and the tall guy tried had a bit more. then it was my turn [OS: sht....] but tbh it was actually really nice :D i drank about one whole mug of beer, so good. then we just kept drinking and talking :L

tonight we went to eat jap food :D tis was nice.  currently getting trained to be immune to alcohol :D which means im getting fed different types of alcohol so i can stay 'safe' in the future. hoho.