Monday, December 12, 2011

since im in a really bored mood now, i shall blog about my second day in taiwan :D

i am currently not carrying my camera around so i can't take down awkward photoes of me being asian in this asian place. we went to this japanese cuisine place for lunch and omg it was like an extreme luxurious restaurant D: i swear i drank down 5 cups of tea and 1 cup of coffee in that meal :O cause it was pretty much 'unlimited'.....the food there was pretty good....but i prefer the night market food more :D its cheaper and you don't have to worry about the table manners. anyhow, then we went to 大葉高島屋 to buy pants for grandpa... by that time, i think i was starting to have this allergic reaction to something and my eyes were uber itchy. so i was bored standing in the mall looking like i bawled my eyes out =___=

Have to admit that the environmental conditions in taiwan are much more worse than australia T___T uhhauhauhuahhhuhhahu i always get sick within a week when i get back to taiwan

hope i get better when i wake up :D