Friday, February 3, 2012

(report video included, dont watch if you're easily ...uh..disgusted?)

23 years old man, gaming 'til death? WHUUUUT?

alright i'll translate and summarise the article for yous
so basically, a man went to internet cafe and gamed for 23 hours straight.
and was found dead at the computer.
his body was stiff, he seemed to have one hand on the keyboard and another on the mouse before he died.
the 30 other gamers didn't even care and kept on fighting online. 
the main cause of his death is because he has heart conditions and chest/breathing problems...
and guess what he was playing..

watch out peoples, 
remember to get your ass off the chair, eyes off the screen, drink some water 
and go and stare at some sexy green trees
do some zumba

thats all for now.