Thursday, February 9, 2012

so today,
bianca and i went around the school to find teachers to approve for our subject change,
one more signature left !!
300w on IOP and its due tmr
1k words left woot. ((not being sarcastic))

oh yeah, just saying.
some grade 10s should actually calm the fuck down on the bus,
wait my bad, more like...shut the fuck up?
yous should realise that we're actually on public transports, not a school bus
and there are adults who pay twice as much just to get on the bus,
 you dont even need to take up two seats. 
also, you do realise that people are getting off the bus earlier because they can't stand the noises YOU GUYS ARE MAKING.
fucking noise pollution.
stop acting like you own the whole bus :@
could even hear you guys with debstep volume up to the max.

-rant over-

 fists are different size

fudging demented neck 
TOOK 5MINS trying to get the neck to look less awkward :@
happy looks a bit demented too 
multitasking in physics

im criticizing my own work so pl0x dont hate 
if i made your loveable characters ugly 