Thursday, February 16, 2012


officially started on the day it was due (today)
and bullshitted the whole way through
and finished at 7am 
-tears of joy-

group 3 IA day today,
business kids were told to get to slq before 9,
and hooray! the teachers didn't know that it opens after 10
well, we were told to go onto the 4th floor since we had too many people.. 
anyway, then julie and I decided to get on this asian chatroom and fish some fishes
then there were many HELLOS ASL (or something like that) or, DIRTY TALK? 
but then i was lucky enough to talk to this guy and we were like all hyped and talking about the recent linsanity ..
since at that time, NYK was versing SAC
it was so obvious that NYK would get an easy win from watching the points in the first quarter
we both bet that NYK would win again, the team's 7th win streak
and  talked about yesterday's game and how intense it was.

 some things happened which i cbf telling to the world
but overall it was magical :D

this is a screen shot of my SCREEN  the whole time,
and yes, 
co-coincidentally, my business IA topic IS also related to nba.
(just had those documents open, just in case teacher comes)