Monday, February 6, 2012

ever since i got kicked out of instep 2, 
i've joined instep 4, 
oh yay
our instep mentor is the new English teacher :( DUNDUNDUN

Extended instep today and we spent some time talking about the admin and school stuff.
mainly the grade 12s btching about the school
whilst the grade 11s just nod and laugh :L
whut the fudgery is with the senior jerseys being replaced by varsity jackets 
the design is ridiculous -facepalm-
So then she brought up one of the semi-neglected (??) topic 
which is, the uniform code of SMT

"on the weekend, i read the uniform code in the school planner and it says that girls school wear ankle socks"
-then she reads it out from our planner-
let me ask you,
how high does the ankle socks go to?
NUUP, its the top of your ankle
so what we thought were ankle socks, 
are actually called, ANKLET SOCKS.
isnt it the other way around :L
-goes on google image-

so we wanted to conduct a small experiment and told me to stand up
"did you know, wearing white socks make your legs look fatter"
"ankle length socks look much better!"
since mine is like half way on the calves (SUN PROTECTION 8D)
she then told me to roll down the socks to ANKLE SOCK length
then she asked instep4 to judge on which looks better

turns out the whole instep is against her remarks.

nice try :D
but most people are not likely to convert from a statement made by someone else
or they are just afraid to stand up to what they believe in 

 stopped trolling the year 10s 
but not the new teachers
man i miss the teachers who left :C