Friday, July 13, 2012

post dedicated to food

hey, yo, sup, all that whatever

Went to UQ yesterday for careers 
1st session - Careers in Psychology
2nd session - Speed design
3rd session - Why arn't we all serial killers?

so at first session, it was kind of just repeating the foundation knowledge for psych and what are the sub branches for psychology. I want to be a clinical psychologist, just putting it out there.... but then I'll probably change my mind. The drug effect kicked in and was so close to falling asleep :\ SELF CONTROL BRO

wasn't really interested in speed design but chose it anyway because I felt bad for choosing the subjects that I didn't do at qa (psychology) instead of the subjects that I actually did (design tech). Arrived there, BAM defs better than IB design tech. We just had to make a house or something (we get allocated and told on what kind of building) and got told on the client's personality etc and what he prefers. OS: defs better than checking out materials, rating the ductility and all that shit in class. I have a feeling that DT is making my liking for 'creative' things GO DOWN THE DRAIN. Victoria's group won the design, damn that kid in her group was smart for thinking of that. Our group had the shittiest, like seriously, we had to make a military bunker for a banker who likes to keep his wealth from other people but likes to display shit. That did not make sense at all :L

last session was another sleepy session, lecture style like the first one. The guy jumped on the table to start the presentation (like last time), no surprise for those who attended the first one. then he went on and talked about Milgram's experiment (knew the name, still remember it from grade 10 psych). told us some shocking facts and so on... and said that we arn't serial killers because we we haven't been told to.

ty juju for gifting me this stuff
stick stuff

kimchi flavour noodle thing, it's like the ones that you have seasoning and its cracked. got it since cousins didn't like the flavour. imo it's not bad at all :L