Saturday, July 21, 2012


^back when my teeth were straight as fuck and had 'thinner' highs, 
oh hay look at me now.

Surprise surprise I use to have vocal lessons!
Stopped just when I got the hang of singing with abdomen,
so now I get occasionally confused with how to sing and get constant steady notes.
back in the days (+ days studying in taiwan)
these are the songs that were really popular and everyone knew about (like legit the whole grade, 6+ classes in each grade, 40+ students in each class)

my vocal coach help me heaps and had expectations so then I started being really critical with artist's vocal techniques. That's why I really really like Hyorin, she sings well and is uber good at dancing :D 
Fav korean singer: Hyorin
Fav mando singer: A-Lin
Fav eng singer: (too hard to decide loool)
Normally I won't point certain parts out since it takes practice and skills to sing without flaws. What I mean by those little things that annoy me in songs are the breaths that they take in between lines,
if they breathe awfully loud and quick, it just irritates me LOL (picky as)
it feels like the singer is like suffocating or taking a big breath before going down the deepest sea in the world.
or if they hit the high note and does this awkward uncontrolled note slide .... I would mentally do an Orz

this is a good song, it's just the breaths that makes this song unbearable (OWN OPINION)

I'll stop here since its bed time :D
note: this is just personal opinion! I guess we have the right to voice our opinions? keke.
I'm not even good at singing.. but I do practice with Victoria san at least once a term at karaoke and I practice at home whenever I'm bored etc. STILL, I have a manly voice