Saturday, July 28, 2012

trolololol how's everyone?

for all pedo/stalkers, this is a photo of my cousin and his friends 
it was like a farewell party for him since he had to leave tw to come to aus 
anyway, he was always the derp and troll of the family (and his smaller bro too).
so I was like oh yeah he's forever troll and naive BUT NO
he was the 'hottest' guy in his class in tw LOOOOL
the blue words say 給大帥
meaning to give 'big handsome' 
then I got curious and started looking at his photos on facebook,
and saw like a few tagged photos of him and all the captions were like 
大帥this, 大帥that
(some chick is fangirlling over him)

still, can't believe, my derp cousin such a pimp
so many photos of girls crowding around him.
Yet, I have so much air crowding around me.
so that's all good
We had our usual bio practice on Fri, ran through the choreo taught etc and started on the new choreo.
then we practiced for the art showcase later in the night.
Normally we're pretty troll and laid back near the end of the practice
parent information evening
students and parents were being toured around the school and the passed the auditorium (where we were practicing)
and we happened to be playing kpop songs and derping around 
hip thrusting etc LOL
can't even.
this is smt's reputation
but for that night (friday night), we were like aight got to practice for showcase,
the guys did this lololololol omfg wajetklwaj choreo to a song
and it was like 
words cannot explain.
after we performed, we started playing hide and seek around the school.
count to 69 
then we were like running around the schoool rofl
turns out that fred was in the crowd watching the performances.
so much exercise already :L
our newest pass time, to cockblock kevin 
there were like 3 prof cameramen/women walking around taking photos
fock my life I've never been friends with cameras
that's why i pull off those derp faces keke
le perve & rapist 
check that 90degree +- 10degree arm/leg
dat angle.

anyway, we told the guys that our comp date was actually the 25th not the 11th.
the reason for telling them the wrong date at first was because we thought they needed some pressure. I guess it did help. 

not everyone but most of us 

happy moments in life

 ^ got to admit that I died twice in this dungeon

time to do masters on Henko Crater woopwooop last dungeon of second continent
sooo prepared to die
no more do-able quests for me= more grinding