Sunday, December 8, 2013

Taiwan 2013 pt.3

Took more photos and I can't wait to share them AHHAHAHH and I don't want to forget about the details. I didn't end up going down south on the trip :|

On friday morning, mum had people come over to our house to fix the lights that had been flickering/flashing when it was turned off. They bought us lunch too :D I was skyping and on league so mum bought the food to me -praises mother- infinite appreciation. The thing is, she started waving at the camera and talking into the mic HAHAHHAH


It was so funny omg but embarrassing at the same time. The vid cam wasn't even on. Oh gawd. Queue up and skype me ft my mother. Event ends Monday night. I joke.

Food was delicious of course. Just look at it! Grandma packed lunch for me on Saturday. Everything tastes yummm too omg The tin container brings back so much memories. Memories of the grade 1, 2 days. Bought guava from the convenient store.

Before that, I went to Watsons to stock up hygienic products for the year! Bought a year worth of toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, some makeup and heaps of other things. Please master teach me how to do makeup.

I've never tried KATE products before. Pretty sure they're "new", seen them promo this product range on tv so much. I'll actually try them when I get back in AUS. Yes it's Japanese brand....Taiwanese love Japanese brands.

Spent $120AUS in total and I'd say it's so much cheaper than buying all of these in Australia! It's mostly because I happen to go there on the right day, the day that they're having a 1 day super sale and I saved $37.5AUS.

Alright, finally up to what I want to blog about. Let me introduce you to Albion Cosmetics, click [ here ] to visit official site. Our double neighbour introduced this product to us and told me that she'll grab some for me. She told me that this product works extremely well on acne and improves skin condition but I had no idea HOW EXPENSIVE THIS IS -faints-

  • Skin conditioner 3200NT each (about 120AUS)
  • Exage white 1980NT each (about 74AUS)
  • Facial cotton -L  220NT each (about 8AUS)
Such price. Much premium.
She just "gifted" it to us. I repeat, "gifted". Oml. Two of each as well. Do the maths yourself and the final digits will blow you away. 

And of course, I tried it out and it was somewhat refreshing since I normally don't use any facial product other than moisturizer when it gets really dry from the pills. Please excuse my pink/red eyes lul and it wasn't even irritated. Can you imagine how red it goes now? hahahhaa

So first you apply the exage white using the facial cotton pad (shown on the left image), wait for a while for your skin to absorb the product.... then you want to almost "soke" the other facial cotton pad with the skin conditioner and leave it on your face. Weird aye. 

On a side note, is anyone else loving hyorin's new song "one way love"? Just look at the choreography! I'm learning this guise, someone join me? hahhhahaha