Sunday, December 1, 2013

Taiwan 2013 Pt.1

Hello Everyone!
Congrats to everyone for finishing their year level! Hopefully by now we're all chilling at home, if not, working harder. I'm just going to throw in photos I've taken so far (in 5 days). ENJOY!

Mum introduced me this Japanese Eyedrop product called "Santen Fx V+".
Active ingredients: Vitamin B6, Taurine, Potassium L-aspartate, Neostigmine methylsulfate, Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, Chlorpheniramine maleate, e-Aminocaproic acid. 
It's a really popular product and mostly only sold in Japan, US and Europe. Last time, mum and her crew bought 100 of these back from Japan wowowowow. It was so popular that the stores only allow each person to buy 3 but they had 6 people so they only needed to visit 8-9 pharmacy shops to get it done. They didn't buy 100 for themselves, their friends wanted them to buy it for them and they happen to all want the same product. Coincidence, I think not. This works magic I tell ya *____*

Effective for treatment of:

  • Eye strain
  • conjunctival congestion
  • itchy eyes
  • prevention of eye diseases (after swimming and when dust or sweat enteres the eyes)
  • inflammation of the eye due to ultraviolet light or other optical radiation (snow blindness etc)
  • blurred vision (severe eye discharge)
  • sore eyelids
  • irritation caused by hard contact lenses. 

Let me tell you how it feels after one drop. FRESH AS FUUUUUUU. I went blind for about 3 seconds. I read the package and the fresh level was 5+ omg burns freshly. It feels like that I was never awake before this drop. Wish I had this earlier in the year so I can pull successful all nighters. No joke I had 0 all nighters this year (even though I said I would all night). This bugger will keep you awake for as long as you need to!

There are many other eye drop products made by this company but there's not much information on their website. They also recently just released a [ product ] that treats allergic conjunctivitis omg I NEED. My eye condition is terrible at the moment, it's red and sore most of the time. Yeah that kind of explains my facebook dp HAHAHAHAH Eyes feel better when it's closed or 1/4 open LOLOLOLOLOL

Moving on.
I went to my first ever clinical facial treatment yesterday!
IT WAS HORRIFYING but they did remove all the pimples stuck under the skin. They had to make a hole to get it out. That's how deep it was :( Even though the tablets controlled my pimples from exploding everywhere but it does't treat existing pimples or ones not removed properly. I have rather medium tolerance for pain. Needles don't hurt for me, dentists are alright but this facial treatment was HELL. It hurts so much omg I'm scared of that place now :\ but I took a few pictures of a cat sunbaking outside the clinic and that was satisfying.

I don't know if it was just her or that every clinical facial treatment are like this. She basically stabbed, pushed thin metal stuff into my face. She applied the ointment and various other unknown thing on my face with pressure equivalent of a baker working on his/her dough. I teared up so much during the session :( She also pressed really hard on all of the acupuncture points and more tears were shed. She covered my arms, shoulder, back and neck. I died. It was so painful.
maggie: OWWWHHHHH Q___Q
her: -continues pressing-
Not to mention, she also pulled and popped every finger joints. I glad that I do that normally anyway so it didnt hurt at all. I am officially scared to look at my own reflection. So many pimples that I thought never existed. Alright have a look guise.

I don't want to take a super close up photo :( But this should be enough for future comparison when my "wounds" clear up. I also noticed that my skin is smoother! The painful treatment was all worth it.

We went to mum's new apartment that's still under renovation. It's a pretty big apartment I must say. She designed it herself and I can't wait till the next time I come back and visit her (and this apartment). Although the one right now is pretty impressive, but this one is even better!

View from the balcony!

Reception/ main entrance/lobby!
I ran around like a little kid and took heaps of photos hahahaha don't mind me, just a bit excited here. Right now the apartment we live in is a notch or two below this one. 
Photo with the flowers :D
They're real too. 
This is all real life! *____*
dat shirt tho
floor so shiny
dust mia

Our neighbour shouted us some food at the apartment cafe!
Funny thing. They were already our neighbours at the current apartment complex and they decided to follow up and also buy an apartment over there. So technically we're double neighbours HAHAHAHA I don't understand this kind of friendship in the high life. 

That's about it for now!
Sorry for the lack of food photos :\ They will come soon.