Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hey all! 
Sorry for the lack of posts recently.
I've been super busy -cough- 
I've been playing Dragon Nest since I came back from Taiwan and I'm aiming to get my soul eater to 60 before the end of the year. So far it seems achievable, I've got 8 more levels to crank through and I'm done, SO DONE WITH LIFE.

Aside from that, I've been frantically trying to find a job... and I did. Hooray thanks to stepmum for watching out for me. Before I actually landed a job, I was so stressed, demotivated and it made me feel really useless and lazy. I got so many lectures and talks from grandma and dad and it made me feel like crap. I was honestly so depressed (and gaming harder) in that week.

Actually, I still feel the same now. They still want me to get more jobs as I could. Now I just sound like a lazy ass doing whatever my family tells me to. I should be self motivated... but dragon nest is my motivation right now I cant. This actually sucks..

Had my interview, manager told me that she'll call in the evening if I'm wanted. She didn't call that evening or night. My motivation, literally just dropped to a negative figure (and I gamed even harder). She called the next day and I was over the moon. So I tried out for 3 hours (2 hours originally but there were heaps of people), I think it went alright. I'm still wanted for next week :D 

Oh dear me I'm not going to publicly post it here but the people there really made my day/holiday. They're so honest and secretive that it makes work quite enjoyable. 

That's about it for now!
I'm still editing a post (it has photos) that was about last week's stuff but I obviously still prioritize dn over blogging. 
p.s. the reason I'm not playing now is because I had minimal sleep last night (from 5am to 9am after 10 hours straight of dn). Time to go back and watch some doctor who!