Thursday, December 12, 2013

Taiwan 2013 Pt.4

I arrived back in Aus on Tuesday morning but couldn't be bothered to really finish this Taiwan 2013 post. Guess I'll get it done in one go this time :D

This is our cat. More like my grandparents' cat. The family cat. He doesn't give a damn about anything other than food and sleep. He's majestic. His midget tail speaks for itself. He's very deep. 

What's better than waking up and seeing maccas breakfast on your table. Mum gave me that mirror and told me that it should remind me how much micro pimples I have on my face. Thanks mum!
plot twist: I couldn't fit the mirror into my suitcase

Thought I should take some photos because we'll be moving out some time in january and no longer be able to see this view (but a better one).

Last meal on land in Taiwan! I forgot what it's called LOL This made me feel sick at the airport :\

The taxi picked us up at 9:30pm. I tagged along with mum when we checked in (she had paragon/emerald card). Without her, I don't think I would be able to get through AHAHAHA that's how heavy my suitcase was fml. She actually planned her flight to aus a week after mine but changed the date so we could fly back "together". Wasn't exactly "together" because she went to the lounge after we checked in and we only saw each other outside Brisbane Airport. 

Hooray for massive christmas tree!
Mum wanted to take a photo of me with the tree but it looks so derp so I'm not going to upload it here in case someone decides to save and blackmail me in the future. I basically just stood there for about 2 minutes waiting for mum to get done with taking the photo. My face was frozen and awkward.

I had a massive grin/smile like I'm about to explode LOL and straight up, behind mum.... was this charming American guy smiling at me. I wasn't too sure if he found me retarded or something but it was so hard to look away like omfg. I'm assuming that he's American because the only flights around that time was to Brisbane, Vancouver, San Francisco and Los Angeles. PLEASE. LET ME BOARD THE WRONG FLIGHT.  

I am forever hoping that the occurrence was pretty much that ^. I don't know but we kept looking at each other even after mum finished taking the photo. I was legit so drawn into him it's hard to explain. He is, hands down, rebloggable material. I would reblog the shit out of him. I'm appreciating beauty here. gotta acknowledge beauty around the world every once in a while ya know.

Now I'm left with regret. I should of just walked up and said hi or something. Yep, and from that moment onward, I have been officially caught in wanderlust. Let me travel to places around the world pl0x.

Blurry photo op
Not the best food they served. I should of taken a photo of the meal on my way to Taiwan. IT WAS SOOOOO MUCH BETTER, I finished every edible food on the plate for the first time.

Guess who got three seats to herself? :D
The plane was almost full and I still managed to hit the jack pot and get a row to myself omg yes. I marked the aisle seat and hoped that no one would want the window seat and the seat in the middle. The seats were 3-4-3 this time because we were on 747 and it was much bigger than the normal aircraft they use. It was sooo comfortable, I could stretch out my entire leg but still in a sitting position #goodenough

I was pretty much the last one to get off the plane cause I don't like lining up but my luggage still came out first because I checked in with mum (who was in business class). Basically got out of the airport in 10minutes. Then I realised I had no credit on my phone #genius So I had to wait for stepmum to call. 

p.s. I also saw mum's bf in real life. He's Japanese and owns Menya Mappen at Sunnybank and Gyoza bar at the Valley. Yeah I was so surprised when I first heard about him :o 

will blog soon!