Tuesday, November 29, 2011

proud to say that i know the lyrics to this song :D 
and the one posted before


Sunday, November 27, 2011

為了隱藏以前痛苦回憶 我選擇放棄 放棄去愛人的權利

因為我不相信自己 不相信妳 不相信一句話叫做真心真意 我選擇絕情絕義

good old song !!
Finally bothered to find it on youtube after listening to it 100000 times on the car :D

Today, i'm up early again just to watch popasia, weww! three days left till exam...holey shttttt omgomgomgomgomgomgom spaz. 

Finished Yankee kun to meganesan ! Yay, I recommend all of you to go watch that. It's soo funny :L

And now im watching Liar Game ! psychological thriller? D: hahahahah but the plot is really clever...i felt so stupid watching it, because if i was in the game, i wouldn't of ever thought of those kinds of way to deceive people...i'd probably spend my time eating as much as i can(they have good food there), before getting kicked out with 100mil debt tagged on to me XD 

Yesterday, i spend most of my afternoon playing mariokart wfc.
#)(%@#%#@%)(@#*%@ i was soooo pissed off!! Its so obvious that some of the players hacked. they're always 30s in front of you. ALWAYS! I don't play of wfc often so im still rank 5800 ish -___- yet i always get grouped to verse those 7000+ players and they're just TFTFTF -___- but the worst thing that happened was, i ranked down from 5800 to 5500 and i literally raged and decided to run around the house to express my anger. HAHHAHAHA but then i regained back my ranks quickly and then went to have a nap. 

i ruv my holidays

Friday, November 25, 2011



for the first time in my life
i missed out on the last 2 days of school ;___;
HAPPY and SAD at the same time D: WHUUT??
so i didn't really finish yr10 NUUUUUUUUUUUU - devo -

so im just sitting on my ass all day watching yankee kun to megane chan.
This drama, is like super entertaining XD

i've been spending some quality time gaming too -_-
thanks to cod, i'm getting better at inventing new combos of gibberish swear words.
maggie: [censored] ...........[censored] .......... [censored again] ...

i want to thank everyone for a great year! and ..uhh everything!! :D
....cant concentrate while watching drama....
on top of that, i just had a massive massage on my swollen knee...
HOLEY CRAP that stuff hurts like crap. ;___;
it hurts even more than the dislocation itself -_______-
i legit sweat heaps and pinched myself real hard. temp red mark on my arm now...
thanks to the therapy.

maggie's countdown:
5 days left - piano exam 
2 weeks left - Taiwan
4.5 weeks left - mummy 

just another day on the internet 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

p e o p l e. kill guns >:D
but weight....
Greatest summary ever.
i dont hate the series, just not the best :L i read the book and watched the first and second movie...dunno if i'm going to spend my cash watching the third one. HAHHAHA

Saturday, November 19, 2011

tiffany hsu!!!

 Tiffany Hsu <3
she looks so pretty in Autumn Concerto but she looks too fierce in other dramas ;_;
so..3 weeks left until i get to go back to taiwan. woooooot so pumped XD
i have no friends in taiwan.so i'll probably just rock up to places alone and have a date with myself. Or i'll just game all day long and watch tv. I LEAD A WONDERFUL LIFE. planning to get a good quality phone in taiwan for a good deal and eat MOAR, gain MOAR mass :D oooh cant wait_

^ THAT, i tried. 
it was such an awkward position -___-
If u can do that with your hands and look into the middle hole, you can see the real side of a magical object and spirits/ghosts.
Maybe cause there's no magical objects around me...that's why i couldnt see anything : | 

Friday, November 18, 2011

thank goodness

hardcore crammed for maths but still shat my pants in the exam. 

whatever! i'm done with this. can't wait till the holidays :D
autumn concerto in every class YESS
OH MY GAWD 12 days still piano exam fml................................
i've been procrastinating, being lazy and napping a lot
There's nothing much to say.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

nearly there

4 assessments left!

today i had physics and design tech exam
tbh i didn't study properly last night and procrastinated 
so i was all emotionally repaired to get mindfxcked in my exams
but physics didn't turn out too bad. 
Design tech was all bullsht, the multiple questions were soo difficult (since i didn't study the definitions and can't even workout a rough idea of what it is about) and i took MANY educational guesses.

business exam and mando writing on thursday, maths exam and english reflective task on friday.
HOLD IT HOLD IT HOLD IT school's nearly over -tears of joy-
it's not that i hate school, but i just want to sleep in

we had the other mando teacher supervising SL and HL class. she had no control over the class, i honestly felt so sorry for her. But damn, why cant she just sit on her chair for the whole lesson, that'll save us from minimizing gaming/drama-ing tabs. I was going to take a nap behind my screen but this lady, decided to eat her fried rice next to me. Far out -____-

Friday, November 11, 2011

lets see, what was i doing on 11:11 11/11/11
for goodness sake it was one of those mind-effed lessons that you just can't be bothered to even think..

So at 9 last night i legit started my DT project knowing that it's due today -_- //never going to do it again// <- that's what they all say. With all the bullcrapping, i've managed to pull it off and finish it at lunch today. 15 pages of images and retarded annotations and concept ideas...so i was super tired for the whole day..today i've went through the most painful cramp i've ever had...this is what i get after spending 2 weeks of procrastination in class (Y) well deserved ;_____;

On the bright side, i dont think there's even any....had a good, long, power nap this arvo so im so pumped for the tonight's study....//wooooo!//

My stepmum was telling me about the new holiday thing for 2012 and this was how the convo went like..

mum: you're starting school on the 23rd! 
mum: 10weeks for every term
me: ...hmm, fair enough
mum: 2 weeks of winter holidays
mum: queen's birthday is in the holidays
mum: you finish school in mid december

I also went and read the qa newsletter telling us about the 2012 timetable. like seriously? making the year 11s stay until 4pm?? UTTERLY INSANE \=口=/ increasing chance of getting raped/kidnapped on their way home when it's all dark and crap..or what?  i'm pretty sure a lot of people like me, need the afternoon so we can take a nap and get on with study at night...also, what is with the 1hr lunch and the random 15min break? Why can't they just leave it as the way it is now? Do they really think we can print off our assignments within 15minutes? But i like the 1 hr lunch :L OH YES GAMING <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the weather is sooooooooooo hot 
last night, my laptop refused to let me log in and let me do my homework..so i had to cram everything today....but that wasn't too hard -weww-

TOK lessons :L perfect time to doodle and sleep
i know its quite old, but it never fails to make me laugh XD

In my spare time i go on this website and stare at the numbers going. 

once again, i've accidentally left DT assignment to the last minute... cram maths tomorrow night. Dedication to physics tonight <3 English orals today, it was super hilarious cause people talk in a funny tone when they do a presentation. My new hobby is to give people good lucks :L I think i've given everyone an enthusiastic good luck signal. Sometimes you just get really nervous to the point that you get all hyped up and crap..weird. Just realized how much content we've covered in business, there are soooo many things, concepts, formulas and definitions T______T winging the mando speech tmr (Y) LOL jokes i have no guts, i'll just do it before the lesson starts.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Checklist for today
1. Business worksheet
2. Mando letter
3. Maths
4. English oral

and more studying..

^ [maggie's expected exam paper]

^ [maggie's corner of food]
i spent 2 hours lying on the floor yesterday,  just lying there and doing nothing. Boredness to the max. 

Thought i should share some random facts about me:
- I like to visualise my way to places in my mind (like the way google map shows u the street view)
- whenever i get bored on the car, i imagine this uber fit character hopping from one streetlight to another, basically, parkour.
- If i really like a song, i put it on replay for a few weeks.
- I use to play the game where you squat down at the edge of the pool and ask someone to kick you lightly and fall into the pool like a pokeball??
- If i stare into space, I'm actually staring into space, not thinking deep sht
- I've developed a habit of checking out wheels on every vehicle, must be a family thing :|

Saturday, November 5, 2011

im dreading to see JJ Barea play, soon

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

keep it to yourself

Why does so many unnecessary things happen at qa? Why can't we just all get along and stop ordering people around and saying hurtful things? Stop the peer pressure (whoa this sounds so cool..i've never said this before!!). Is it really that hard to hold back on your words sometimes and just keep shit to yourself? It's not that hard to shut your mouth and get on with life. 

i need to get a good sleep -determination mode-
maths diagnostics tomorrow... hope my headache will miraculously disappear.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

and this is why i am not planning to go watch paranormal activity 3 
i honestly have no guts to even watch the trailer without muting the mic 

best part : 2:56