Sunday, November 27, 2011

為了隱藏以前痛苦回憶 我選擇放棄 放棄去愛人的權利

因為我不相信自己 不相信妳 不相信一句話叫做真心真意 我選擇絕情絕義

good old song !!
Finally bothered to find it on youtube after listening to it 100000 times on the car :D

Today, i'm up early again just to watch popasia, weww! three days left till exam...holey shttttt omgomgomgomgomgomgom spaz. 

Finished Yankee kun to meganesan ! Yay, I recommend all of you to go watch that. It's soo funny :L

And now im watching Liar Game ! psychological thriller? D: hahahahah but the plot is really clever...i felt so stupid watching it, because if i was in the game, i wouldn't of ever thought of those kinds of way to deceive people...i'd probably spend my time eating as much as i can(they have good food there), before getting kicked out with 100mil debt tagged on to me XD 

Yesterday, i spend most of my afternoon playing mariokart wfc.
#)(%@#%#@%)(@#*%@ i was soooo pissed off!! Its so obvious that some of the players hacked. they're always 30s in front of you. ALWAYS! I don't play of wfc often so im still rank 5800 ish -___- yet i always get grouped to verse those 7000+ players and they're just TFTFTF -___- but the worst thing that happened was, i ranked down from 5800 to 5500 and i literally raged and decided to run around the house to express my anger. HAHHAHAHA but then i regained back my ranks quickly and then went to have a nap. 

i ruv my holidays