Sunday, November 6, 2011

Checklist for today
1. Business worksheet
2. Mando letter
3. Maths
4. English oral

and more studying..

^ [maggie's expected exam paper]

^ [maggie's corner of food]
i spent 2 hours lying on the floor yesterday,  just lying there and doing nothing. Boredness to the max. 

Thought i should share some random facts about me:
- I like to visualise my way to places in my mind (like the way google map shows u the street view)
- whenever i get bored on the car, i imagine this uber fit character hopping from one streetlight to another, basically, parkour.
- If i really like a song, i put it on replay for a few weeks.
- I use to play the game where you squat down at the edge of the pool and ask someone to kick you lightly and fall into the pool like a pokeball??
- If i stare into space, I'm actually staring into space, not thinking deep sht
- I've developed a habit of checking out wheels on every vehicle, must be a family thing :|