Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the weather is sooooooooooo hot 
last night, my laptop refused to let me log in and let me do my i had to cram everything today....but that wasn't too hard -weww-

TOK lessons :L perfect time to doodle and sleep
i know its quite old, but it never fails to make me laugh XD

In my spare time i go on this website and stare at the numbers going. 

once again, i've accidentally left DT assignment to the last minute... cram maths tomorrow night. Dedication to physics tonight <3 English orals today, it was super hilarious cause people talk in a funny tone when they do a presentation. My new hobby is to give people good lucks :L I think i've given everyone an enthusiastic good luck signal. Sometimes you just get really nervous to the point that you get all hyped up and crap..weird. Just realized how much content we've covered in business, there are soooo many things, concepts, formulas and definitions T______T winging the mando speech tmr (Y) LOL jokes i have no guts, i'll just do it before the lesson starts.