Friday, November 25, 2011



for the first time in my life
i missed out on the last 2 days of school ;___;
HAPPY and SAD at the same time D: WHUUT??
so i didn't really finish yr10 NUUUUUUUUUUUU - devo -

so im just sitting on my ass all day watching yankee kun to megane chan.
This drama, is like super entertaining XD

i've been spending some quality time gaming too -_-
thanks to cod, i'm getting better at inventing new combos of gibberish swear words.
maggie: [censored] ...........[censored] .......... [censored again] ...

i want to thank everyone for a great year! and ..uhh everything!! :D
....cant concentrate while watching drama....
on top of that, i just had a massive massage on my swollen knee...
HOLEY CRAP that stuff hurts like crap. ;___;
it hurts even more than the dislocation itself -_______-
i legit sweat heaps and pinched myself real hard. temp red mark on my arm now...
thanks to the therapy.

maggie's countdown:
5 days left - piano exam 
2 weeks left - Taiwan
4.5 weeks left - mummy 

just another day on the internet